Chapter 8: Kidnapped.

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I keep trying to fight them off but it doesn't work I'm slowly losing my strength "boss" man is staring at me I keep sobbing and trying to get out of the strong mans hold I do I really am trying but it doesn't work "please let me go I swear I won'...

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I keep trying to fight them off but it doesn't work I'm slowly losing my strength "boss" man is staring at me I keep sobbing and trying to get out of the strong mans hold I do I really am trying but it doesn't work "please let me go I swear I won't tell any one" I sob out "boss" looks at me and smugly smiles "you swear to god Sophia?" He questions a bit of hope sparks in me "yes yes I will!! I swear to god I won't tell any one I'll keep my mouth shut" I smile at him he looks at me deeply in my eyes chuckling darkly "sorry princess can't let you go, you saw everything and that's just not how it goes. But if you good this process won't hurt as much" I frown trying to figure out why he just said that until something stabs me in the back of the neck "what the fuck" I exclaim and try to move my arms around rough man doesn't let me budge at all I feel his breathe on my neck I shiver with disgust "night night princess" he smiles onto my neck I start feeling pressure in my neck relaxing what they have done that have drugged me I try to speak but nothing  comes out so I continue to sob until I'm out like a light.
My head feels hazel my eyes are tying to adjust to the darkness I hear some chatter outside of the metal door "¿Está despierta todavía?" (Is she awake yet?) I try to listen but I can't really understand it "Voy a ir y comprobar" (I'll go check) I hear the door open I quickly lay on the tiny bed and pretend to be asleep the man comes close to my ear and whisper "I know your awake sleeping beauty" I try not to shudder I keep pretending to be asleep "wake up bitch you gotta meet the boss!" He yells into my ear I jump up he chuckles and grabs my hands and cuffs them together "please not so tight" I whimper out he just grunts and pushes my back out of the small cage and up the set off stairs until we hit the metal door opens he pushes me through into what looks like a long hall way.

We are still walking down the hall way we finally stop at a dark oak door the man knocks we hear a low come in we go in and I instantly realise the guy from the elevator in the hotel he's the boss it all clicks the man shoves me into the chair I whimper when the cuffs tug on my wrists I cast my eyes down on the ground looking at my dirty feet "Hola princesa" he says In a deep voice I look up and say nothing he puts his hand under his chin "now I know you saw me murder that guy in the alley of the hotel but I have a deal for you princesa" I look up at him with some hope in my eyes and nod for him to continue he smiles and continues "you will work for me and do what I say if you don't you'll get a bullet between the eyes under stand princes" he growls out I whimper and try to protest "no you will be no buts or whatever you'll work for me you'll get fed cleaned and have your own room and soon you'll have slow bits of freedom by the way my name Joesph" i start sobbing Joesph motions for the guy to come and get me he grabs my arm and drags me back into the basement and back into the cell I continue to sob until I fall asleep.

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Hey guys another chapter done I'm so close to 100 reads that's exciting any ways hope you like the chapter

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Hey guys another chapter done I'm so close to 100 reads that's exciting any ways hope you like the chapter. The next one will be out soon I am working on another book so. Yeah. See you next time.

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