35: Trouble.

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2 Weeks later

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2 Weeks later......

I place the dinner tray on Joseph's desk as he continues to work trying to figure out where the Russians are hiding out, I peck his lips before his office. "So how are you and my brother going?" Maddy questions as we continue watch 'The Mummy' in her room "yeah I think we are doing good" I send her a little smile before focusing on the movie "hold on, what about you got any crushes" I look over at her noticing a blush on her cheeks " you do" I gasp out "who is it" she hides her face in her hands as I start chuckling "it's n-no one" she stutter out "oh come on you can tell me" I move my body to the side so I can face her "alright fine, I might have a tiny crush on Aaron" "no way" I gasp a little smile makes its way into my face "you should go Jospeh's waiting for you" I groan before nodding my head "we will talk about this tomorrow" I point my finger at her giving her a narrowed look she groans before dramatically falls onto her bed throwing the covers over her face.

I ended up moving into Jospeh's room after a week so everything has been transferred from my room to his. Walking to our room I throw my shoes into the corner of the room before pulling my shirt over my head as long with my pants. I let the water, cool air greets me as arms wrap around my waist his chin sits on my shoulder kissing my neck "hello" I whisper out he spins me around before giving me a grin I look at him suspiciously "I found where they are hiding" I hear the darkness's in his voice as I look into his cold eyes "I'm happy for you" I send him a smile before getting the conditioner out of my hair. His hands travel to my ass where he harshly squeezes my globes before his hand glides to my clit slightly brushing it against his knuckles, I let out a hiss as my body falls back onto his head, he inserts two fingers before going at a slow pace my head falls back into his shoulder while my hand clings to his arm "faster" I moan out his hand moves in a faster motion slowly bringing me to an orgasm "fuuuck" my head tilts to the side where my breathing quickens his lips descend onto mine bringing me into a passionate kiss, my lips part as his tongue enters both fighting for dominance which he wins. His thumb plays with my nub which brings me over the edge "oh shit, Joseph" my breathing finally goes back to normal.  I leave the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my waist, getting into my PJ's I lotion my body before falling into bed. Joseph comes out 5 minutes later dressed in black Calvin Klein's he gets into bed pecking my lips "good night princess" I roll my body over to him putting an arm around his waist "night".

I wake up to the feel of my body being pushed side to side "get up Sophia" my eyes slowly flutter open as I see a distressed Jospeh in the corner of the room rummaging through his night stand he finally pulls a matte black glock he clicks the safety off before checking there's bullets stored in there "you need to hide now, alright" I hastily nod my head "what's going on" "the Russians decide to pay us a visit, so if you don't hide someone will shoot you between your pretty little eyes, got it sweetheart?" I meekly nod my head before getting out of the bed and chucking some sweats and a tank top on.

"Here take this for safety, if you need to shot shot alright? Now get into the cupboard" he hands me a gun as I look at him with a weird expression on my face, he rubs his eyes before he runs to the closet opening the door before walking to the back I follow behind him as he pulls his clothes to the side "wow" I whisper out he unlocks the door before he pushes me in "please be safe" I tell him before pulling his body to my giving him a loving kiss "i will" he smirks at me before he closes and locks the door I shakily let out a breathe as I listen to all of the commotion that's happening outside. I slide down a wall clutching the gun to my chest keeping alert for any noises.


My ears perk up as I listen to some noise happen outside, grabbing the gun from my lap I quickly clip the safety off before lifting my shaking hands at the door getting ready to shot. I take a deep breathe and listen to the lock being snapped the door blows open closing my eyes my finger takes on the trigger before a voice stops me "wow, wow slow down sweet pea" I feel the gun being taken from my hands before I hear the safety click. I crack and eye open and come face to face with Aron "oh thank god" I let out a big breathe as a little tear drops from my eyes "you alright sweetheart" I meekly nod my head before looking up "I'm fine, where's Joseph?" I snap at him he makes a hand gesture to follow him as he sighs "he was shot in the shoulder-" "omg What is he okay?"

"If you had let me finish he is fine, now let's move it" he snaps at me before walking out to the dining room my eyes frantically look around looking for Joe my eyes find him sitting down with a man in a lab coat stitching his arm up I run over to him hugging his side as his warm snakes around my waist "oh my god, I was so worried" I let out a sniffle "hey I'm fine just a bullet" narrowing my eyes at him he chuckles before pecking my lips, I lay my head on his shoulder while his other shoulder gets stitched.


Hello hope you all enjoyed this chapter. This book only have a couple chapters left so that's sad but I'll be writing another one soon after. Love you all ❤️❤️.

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