Chpater 12: Lonely.

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I make my way back into the room and get some clothes from the walk in closet deciding on a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and a large black t-shirt I take the towel of that was around my waist and put a pair of black panty set on then putting the clothes over the top. Siting on the bed I wait for breakfast to come about 30 minutes of me sitting silently playing with my hands I hear the metal door open wheels squeak as Aron brings the tray in "here you go Princesa" he smiles down at me I whisper a thank you as he leaves the room. Lifting the lid I take a look inside we have toast with butter some coffee finally some coffee and what seems to be jelly. Grabbing the toast I butter with and eat it, drinking my coffee I let the hot liquid burn my throat.


After I finished eating I wheeled the tray back to the door I make my way to the little library that is stationed in the room. Looking at the rows of book I find one that looks interesting, picking up a book called "everything happens for a reason: And other lies I've loved" by Kate Bowel siting back on the bed and decide to start reading it to see if it's any good.


Half way through reading I ended up falling asleep But I'm awoken to the sounds of the door open and then slamming "Time to get up Princesa" opening my eyes I instantly shut them when the sun comes straight into my view covering my eyes I sit up and stare at Joesph "you start working tomorrow love so so I am here to deliver then you can go back to sleep" he smirks at me and hands my a bag opening it up I gasp and look up at him with a frown "you expect me wear this while cleaning" I calmly yell he comes close to my face noses touches losing my breath I look up at him he grips my chin "watch your tone Princesa or I'll lay you over my knee and spank your ass red" he growls out getting up he leaves I look at the back again and throw it on the floor laying back down I turn to my side sniffling I go back to sleep.

This chapter is very short only 403 words just kind of like a filler chapter but I hope you guys enjoy I'm working hard on some chapters for my books as well I am writing 2 new books but I won't publish them until they are half way finished

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This chapter is very short only 403 words just kind of like a filler chapter but I hope you guys enjoy I'm working hard on some chapters for my books as well I am writing 2 new books but I won't publish them until they are half way finished. But love you guys and see you next time ❤️😊.

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