Chapter 9: Givinng up.

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I wake up to the sound of keys jiggling in the metal door handle the door opens I roll over and look at the same man that picked me up yesterday morning he comes up to the cage and unlocks it "time to get up bitch"he spits at him grabbing my hands he puts them into the I cuffs closing them really tightly I try to hold my tears "can you make them loose please" I look up at him with pleading eyes he grunts but loosens them the littles bit fells better "boss wants to speak to you today invoking your duties" the man says wanting to know my kidnapped I ask his name "my name is Aron" he grunts out huh nice name for a kidnapper, he grabs between the cuffs and pulls me up I feel my skin tearing as he does this which makes me let out a sob "stop stop it hurts" I cry out he ignores me and keeps pulling me until I'm all the way up I can feel the blood running down my hand.

Aron knocks on Bosses door we hear a gruff "come in" he opens door and pushes me into the office "take a seat" he says and puts his own down after writing something he crosses his hands over before speaking "so you'll be working for me from now on Sophia" he says smugly
"Why do I have to work for you why can't you let me go" I half yell he blows out a breath and leans in on the desk his eyes have turned a darker colour, my heart starts to beat
" listen here Sophia you will work for me you'll be my cook helping out others you'll have your own room but it'll be locked and so will the windows they'll have little squares so you can have fresh air you'll have a walk in closet and a joint bathroom to your bedroom. And if you do everything I say you won't get hurt okay princesa" he smirks at me when he looks at my face "Aron ven y tómala" (Aron come and take her) he yells out "show her to her new room" boss says Aron nods and grabs my arm I look behind my shoulder before leaving boss waves at me and smirks Aron closes the door and drags me up stairs he unlocks a door and pushes me inside "this is your new room enjoy" he unlocks my cuffs and pushes me inside before closing the door and I hear the locks turn. I look around the room I gasp at how nice and tidy it is a nice queen bed a little library station a big ass bathroom the colours are nice dark but light a nice window locked shut I sigh and jump onto the bed so fluffy  I decide to sleep because I haven't gotten much of it lately closing my eyes I instantly fall asleep.


I her the keys jiggling again rolling over I again pretend to be asleep, someone walks into the room and a tray rolling with them "here's dinner enjoy it" the man says once the door is closed I open my eyes and get off the bed picking the dish up I look what I have to eat it looks edible nodding my head I start eating little bites of the plate once I have finished my Mac and cheese as well as a tasty salad I drink the juice that comes with it pushing the tray next to the door I decide to take a warm shower since I'm little bit dirty going into the walk-in closet I see a huge assortment of clothes most of them are slutty looking sighing I find some sweat pants and a shirt going into the bathroom I take a shower and wash myself. Getting into bed I try to fall asleep not before thinking of a plan to try and get out of this place I can't work for a Mafia boss.

Hey guys another chapter posted hope you enjoy this one

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Hey guys another chapter posted hope you enjoy this one. Hope you all had a good day. Another chapter coming soon. I'll see you later Beautiful people.

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