21: Kidnapped.

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I wake up to someone slapping my face repeatedly

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I wake up to someone slapping my face repeatedly

"Wake up little perra" the unknown man says I try to open my eyes but they seem to be swollen I whimper as he kicks my stomach

"What do you want from me" I cry out as he grabs my hair pulling me up to a sitting position I cry out again feeling the ache come from my head. My hands and feet are cuffed tightly not being able to move. The unknown man gets out of the cell and locks it he smirks evilly as he jingles the keys he chuckles as he sees my face, putting the keys in his pocket he gets up the steps and walks through the metal door I hear the keys jingle in the lock I put my head into my hands and cry out.  The pain gets so bad I end up seeing black spots dancing in my vision soon I end up collapsing onto the concrete floor with a loud thud.


Some grabs me and throws me onto the bed whimpering at the feeling of the concrete hitting my spine

"Come on sit up whore" my eyes flutter open feeling the swelling from all the crying I had done last night

"There we go there's those pretty eyes I've missed them" the man runs his hand down the side of my face I cringe away as he smirks showing his yellow crooked teeth.

"What do you want" I managed to get out feeling my throat dry as the desert

"Aww sweety do you want a cup of water" I meekly nod he lets out an evil chuckle

"Well guess what you aren't getting any bitch"


My head goes to the side feeling my cheek stinging at the impact of his large hand.  Another man walks in with a tray of food consisting of sandwiches some fruit and a very small water my eyes light up my stomach grumbles loudly he throws the food onto the floor but it manages to stay on the tray part from a couple fruit pieces they both leave and lock the cage again. Scrambling to the floor I open the water and drink it all then devour the food and the last pieces of fruit that aren't on the floor.

I let my eyes wander around the cell looking at the three other cages that are beside me only two windows at each end with bars unit making it hard for someone to escape. Getting up I look over the lock seeing if I can manage to put something in it and make it turn looking on the ground I spot a couple twigs picking one up I put it into the lock and wiggle around trying to unlock the door, the twig ends up snapping I throw it on the ground and scream shaking the bars my screams turn to sobs as I sink to the floor.

I awake to the feel of a blade gliding across my biceps I scream in pain quickly scrambling up looking at the man the now has a evenly smirk on his face as he inspects the blade seeing my blood drip from the tip my hand goes to my arm wincing at the feeling of the blood running down my arm

"Don't worry princesa estarás bien it'll heal by itself" (princess you'll be fine) getting up i avoid eye contact and sit on the bed the man comes over and plays with a piece of my brown locks twirling it in his hands I cowar away he chuckles and gets up dusting his suit off he throws the tray of food onto the floor before locking up I scramble to the floor and eat the food from the tray that hasn't falling to the floor.

This is a short chapter but I have been so busy this month and I'll be busier next month as well starting a Tafe course and all but I will still be here 😊❤️❤️

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This is a short chapter but I have been so busy this month and I'll be busier next month as well starting a Tafe course and all but I will still be here 😊❤️❤️.

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