20: Why Today.

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             Today we have decided to go shopping since I need new clothes and just shopping in general

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Today we have decided to go shopping since I need new clothes and just shopping in general. I ended up meeting Josephs little sister who is 19 has light brown hair and green eyes she's beautiful, I get up at around 6:30am since its not my morning shift but we are going shopping early since I'm working after lunch. Getting out of bed I make my way to the closet and look for some nice clothes I end up picking a picky nude dress that is tight up the top but flows at the bottom (Down below) with some nude shiny heels, walking into the bathroom I make my way to the shower stall and turn the shower tap to warm putting my hair into a bun since I washed it last might I won't have to wash it today ill just put it into a high ponytail again. Stripping out of my clothes I open the shower door and let the hot steam travel out the cracked window watching it I get into the shower and let out a sigh feeling the hot water cascade down my body.


Putting my robe on I make my way out to my room, I'm greeted by the smell of coffee and bacon my stomach grumbles as I look at the stack of pancakes and bacon sitting on a tray near my bed walking over to the tray, I see a neatly placed note near the coffee picking it up I see my name in cursive when I open it

'Sophia here is some breakfast I know you're going shopping be safe and try to have some fun there will be guards with you at all times so if you try something, I'll know about it go it princess' Joseph

I feel my lips curve into a little smile as I read over the letter, walking over to the little desk near the window I put all the food on It and dig in.

After pigging out I decide to get ready and do my makeup I put a little more effort into it this time adding a light pink matte lipstick and some eyelashes to make me pop. I let the robe fall over my shoulders before I put my pink Lacey undergarments on before putting my dress on to cover my body grabbing my shoes I let my feet slowly slide into the material, walking up to the floor length mirror I admire my body and face before my eyes travel to my slender legs "you look beautiful" I hear a deep voice say behind me my eyes find is in the mirror I send him a small smile he doesn't smile back he just nods his head before making his way out of my room.


I make my way outside of my room before I can make my way to the stairs someone is tugging me into their room before I can say something Josephs smashes his lips onto my lips my body instantly melts when his hands travel to my lower back I start kissing him back while my hands go to his neck and into his hair he groans and lightly bites my lower lip before it can go anywhere serious he pulls back and looks me into the eye "be safe and don't do anything stupid otherwise I'll have to punish you" he whispers huskily my eyebrows raise at the punishing word shaking my head nod and tell him I have to go before they leave with out me.

Making my way down stairs I grab my myself a cup of coffee before going to meet the guards and Joesphs little sister Maddie "hey guys I'm ready whenever you are" I send them all a smile and Maddy let's put a little squeal

"You look so hot girl" my cheeks turn red at the compliment I chuckle and tell her she looks hot too dressed in a black dress with scrappy black shoes

"Alright we are ready Stephane let's go" the man in the black suit with a ear peace nods his head he gets up, we make our way to a black Range Rover Maddy and I both eat in the back seat while the two big muscled men get into the front both strapped with a hand gun both in the waits bands of their pants and one Deseret eagle strapped to their ankles covered by their black slacks.

We finally make it to the shops, Maddy and I both make our way into the shops with the guards trailing close behind

"So where do you want to go first my lady" I chuckle and shake my head she smiles.

"We can go wherever you want to go I'll follow"  I shyly smile and her and she walks over to Victoria secret I blush as she pulls my arm into the store, my eyes go wide seeing the range of panties and bras I look at them in aww Maddy chuckles once she sees my facial expression

"Pick anything you want it's on my brother" she flashes his card in the air while I chuckle, nodding my head I look through the store and grab a couple matching pairs and some non matching pairs.


After a long couple hours we finally decide to have some lunch we both decide on sushi Maddy takes her seat while I tell her I have to pee Maddy tells the guards to stay put while I make my way to the ladies bathroom.

Coming out of my stall I'm frightened to see three men all dressed in suits staring at me

"Can I help you?" I shakily ask they all chuckle and start walking towards me very slowly looking at the door I see if I can make it they obviously see what I'm doing and quickly grab me by the arms while the other one brings a cloth tiny face, I try to scream and kick around but one of them grabs his gun and pistol whips me crying out the guy behind me comes close to me and whisper out

"Breathe in bebé" I finally give in and breathe in

"aquí vamos" (There we go) I hear before my world goes black.

There we go guys hope you enjoyed

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There we go guys hope you enjoyed. I do not know if my translations are correct if not please let me know. ❤️❤️

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