Chapter 4: Getting Ready

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I woke up to banging on my door instantly knowing it was my two best friends Mia and Jasmine, I groaned as I go up to answer the door and see what the hell they want because right know I am not feeling to good and I jut want to go to bed and sleep...

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I woke up to banging on my door instantly knowing it was my two best friends Mia and Jasmine, I groaned as I go up to answer the door and see what the hell they want because right know I am not feeling to good and I jut want to go to bed and sleep some more, "what" I say as I open the door, they both look at me and grin like morons they both squeal before they say "we came here to make sure you were still alive from last night and also to chill out and help you pack for Spain" Jasmine says in a duh tone, I roll my eyes and slowly walk back to bed and look at my night stand where James left me some Panadol and water I thank god he took me home and looked after me and Peaches, I take the pills and then slowly move to the shower and turn it to the hottest temperature and wait for it to steam up before I get in. I get dressed and do my makeup before I walk out and greet the girls and ask them if they want coffee and they both nod their head eagerly. (Her outfit)

We are currently on the couch watching Sponge Bob interesting right I'm still a kid at heart and so are obviously are my friends, I get up to feed peaches since its 9am in the fricken morning to early but anyway, my friends are already for Italy, ...

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We are currently on the couch watching Sponge Bob interesting right I'm still a kid at heart and so are obviously are my friends, I get up to feed peaches since its 9am in the fricken morning to early but anyway, my friends are already for Italy, but I still have to pack we leave at five in the morning tomorrow, so I should probably pack now before it's to late.

Finally finished packing, I am pooped but oh well I sit on the lounge and relax a little before peaches jumps o me and demands to be feed while I giggle at her silliness, after I've feed peaches I put some covers over my friends as they have past out lucky them they can actually take a nap I can't I have to get ready for Italy.

Five hours later yes, I said five no exaggerations here, anyways my friends are gone peaches is sound asleep in her tiny little bed and here I am cooking some dinner for myself peaches food is ready, but I don't want to wake my baby she looks to peaceful, as I'm cooking get a text from James

"hey", "hey how's it going?", "its good just letting you know I'm going to miss you I wish I could miss a day of work and say goodbye, but I really can't miss a day I love you sooo much", 'it's ok don't worry and love you too and also good luck at work"

We talked for a little bit more until it was time for me to eat dinner and peaches is awake, so I feed her too and know we are watching some tv and eating dinner and drinking some wine (red).

Its now 9pm and its bed time so I make it to my room where peaches makes herself comfortable on my bed and I take a shower and change then jump into bed set some alarms ok maybe a lot of alarms then I finally go to sleep.

Authors Note:
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Authors Note:Thanks for reading like and comment😊❤️

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