36: I Love You.

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3 Months Later:

"Wake up, baby" I feel light kisses being put on my forehead, rolling to my side my eyes flutter open connecting to Jospeh's light blue eyes. My eyes travel to the little puppy between us that puts a small smile on my face "I found him outside in the cold" I hear his deep voice I put my hand under my head and look up to him I put a little kiss on his forehead "give me a proper kiss Hermoso" my eyes meet his as I slowly lean in he obviously is inpatient and grabs my waist and makes me straddle his lap while I let out a chuckle.

My lips meet his plump ones in a passionate kiss, I push away before it gets to intense he pouts while I roll back onto my side of the bed "I have a surprise for you today, dress to impress baby" he sends me a sly wink before getting up show casing his beautiful body my eyes trail down to his little happy trail before I hear someone clear there voice "eyes up here princess" I bite my lip as I take my time in observing his body my eyes land on his tanned face which holds a sexy smirk, laughing I roll over and get out of bed "it's 11am so you better get ready sweet cheeks we leave soon" I send him a suspicious look before quickly making the bed.

I have some tea and toast before going back to our room, I open some windows and blinds before walking into the closet picking out some clothes I decide on- "hey baby wear a dress for me please?" Chuckling I shake my head but tell a response "sure thing honey" I say in a weird voice I hear him let out a deep laugh.

I grab a black spaghetti strap dress that shows a good amount of cleavage I pair it with my white red bottom Christian Louboutin shoes that Joseph happened to gift me. Getting into the bathroom I turn the shower to a warm setting I strip out of my PJ's before stepping into the warm water letting it run through my hair.

Stepping out to the shower I wrap a towel around my body before letting the water out of my hair. Walking out of the room I let out a little squeal as I see a shirtless Joseph doing up his slacks, he slides his white shirt on before doing the buttons up slowly walking over to him my hands automatically go to the buttons doing them up while his hands fall to the sides. "Thank you princess" he pecks my lips before grabbing his suit jacket he does the singular button before grabbing my waist.

My hands go to his neatly done hair while his lips land on mine little sparks go off as his tongue enters my mouth a little moan escapes my mouth as his hand travels to my ass giving both of my gloves a good squeeze. I let out a little laugh as his hand tickles my sides our lips part as his hand keeps tickling my side "stoopp" he laughs before grabbing his tie and leaving.

I put a black Lacey thong on before grabbing the dress going bra-less I slide the dress over my head I pull my boobs up a little before going to the white vanity I add some makeup and do a matte red lip, sitting on the end of the bed I grab my shoes before sliding them on I add a necklace and a couple rings before leaving the room and going down to the kitchen.

Sophia's dress:

Sophia's shoes:

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Sophia's shoes:

I slowly walk down the steps until I make it to the wooden floor I hear Joseph's voice as I walk into the kitchen "Estarás a cargo el próximo mes, ¿de acuerdo?" I watch as Aron nods his head before they do a manly hand shake

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I slowly walk down the steps until I make it to the wooden floor I hear Joseph's voice as I walk into the kitchen "Estarás a cargo el próximo mes, ¿de acuerdo?" I watch as Aron nods his head before they do a manly hand shake. Sneaking up behind him my arms snake around his waist before squeezing him I lay my head on his back before speaking "Can I ask what the surprise is?" He spins us around so my chin is now on his stomach and his arms around my waist "okay what are you wearing" his eyes narrow at me before looking down at my breasts "it's a dress, like you asked"

He shakes his head before his hand goes to the top of my dress trying to cover my boobs "can you get a different dress?" He questions I shake my head "I'll wear a Trench Coat and that's it" I give him a pointed look while he scowls "fine, and we are going on a trip that's a surprise"

"Oh really" my eyes widen as he nods his head "we will be boarding the plane at 1pm so you better get ready, I already have a house and clothes so don't worry about packing" "a-a plane-e?" I manage to stutter out he raises an eyebrow looking at me "I've never been on a a plane before"

" oh I see, you'll be fine I'll distract you" he sends me a little wink while a light blush coats my cheek "alright we have to leave in ten minutes so get ready say goodbye to everyone and grab Peaches" a little smile comes onto my face as he mentions Peaches I quickly nod my head while running to say goodbye to Maddy and Brenda.

After saying my goodbyes I give Maddy one last hug "I'll miss you" She says as she lets go of me "aww I'll miss you too, we won't be gone for long" we kiss each other's cheek before I take Jospeh's hand, looking over my shoulder I wave goodbye to everyone they all wave back. Joesph holds the car door open for me while he gets into the other side he taps the window separating us "lets go" he says in a cold voice the window rolls up as the black SUV is started it pulls out of the drive away. Taking us to the airport.

Sorry for the late chapter, I hope you all enjoyed though. This book only have a couple chapters left which is sad but I'll write another book later on. I just wanted to say Thank you to everyone that has read my book voted and commented on it and from the People from the start I appreciate and love you all ❤️❤️

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