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Madness is a common human trait. Without it we would be hallow and filled with pent-up rage.


Matteo looked at me as if I'd told him I ate babies for breakfast.

"Are you fucking crazy? Didn't you hear what Dr Barrows said?" he snapped. "If the knife had been pushed a little as one inch it would have grazed major organs. You'd be in a fucking morgue fridge and that whore would be happy and alive singing cumbya."

I clenched my teeth. "Dramatic much? I'd expected you to understand, Matteo. At least extend the same curtsey I give you. Sofia is a bitch but I don't judge you. You're a fucking idiot when it comes to her, still I don't judge you."

Matteo's expression become murderous.

"I'm glad that's how you really feel. At least now I know. Do what you please, Emilio. But don't come crawling to me when she sticks a knife into your heart and, believe me you'll crawl."

He strode out of the bedroom muttering expletives. Joyce was unable to come in today so instead she sent her daughter who Matteo bumped shoulders with on his way out.

I heard the sound of cutlery crashing to the floor and Matteo apologizing. After a while I laid back enjoying the quiet. Matteo was right though. It was stupid of me to want to see Penelope. I left the apartment at two with a determination. I got ruses again because this time Penelope would listen to me.

I pulled up at Coleman's at twelve. Penelope's lunch hour. It took nothing than charm and a sexy accent to convince the naive receptionist that I was the boyfriend of Penelope. When I arrived on her floor I saw that she had her own office though small adjoining to her boss's. I knew Coleman from a symposium I'd attended a few years back. I stood against the column as she left the office with Coleman and I took the opportunity to reveal myself and the look on her face was priceless.

"Hello, Penelope. Miss me, querida?"

She cast a pleading look at her boss before dashing off towards the elevator something just existed. She didn't reach far. I slipped through the doors just in time and it was just the both of us. We stated at each other as she huddled in the corner like a scared little bird.

"Penelope, I didn't come here to hurt you and neither did I the other night when you almost killed me. Did you like punishing me, querida? Did you enjoy watching me suffer?"

I stepped closer to her and caged her in. Raising a hand I caught a stray curl and twirled it around my finger.

"I came here to apologise to you for what I'd done before the accident."

Her eyes widened. "Accident!" she croaked.

"I supposed it was payback for how I'd treated you that day. So I deserved it. The coma and the pain, you stabbing me. I understood your frustration and I didn't help. I shouldn't have done what I did to you. Will you ever forgive me?"

She said nothing except stare at me.

"I want to apologize to you if you'll let me..."

I probably shouldn't have been thinking of sex. She would never want me to touch her if I couldn't prove how sorry I was. I cupped her chin and watched her mouth quiver.

"I thought you'd just enjoyed your fill of me then move on."

"I crashed into a truck after I left your house. How are you?"

She wrapped her around her upper body as she shrugged.

"Aren't you upset with me? I knew I could have killed you."

I smiled. "I'm actually proud of you. You surprised me that night Penelope. But I liked to know you can protect yourself if you feel threatened."

It was quiet after a while and we both stood staring at each other. I could see the inner turmoil in her eyes.

"These are for you," I said, handing the flowers to her.

She took them gingerly.

"I want to erase what I've done to you."


I leaned in even closer so that our lips brushed. Penelope turned her mouth away and her free hand pushed feebly against my chest.

"I–I can't."

I didn't know where the brave badass Penelope had gone but I wanted her back. This woman before me was a whimpering trembling mess.

"You shouldn't have come back, Emilio. You should stop chasing me. I can't give a man like you anything. I've made peace with the fact that I'll never be with someone."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm scarred for life. You'll be repulsed if you aren't already."

I scoffed. "I'll be the judge of that, Penelope."

Her eyes blazed with fury. "You don't get to decide what's best for me. It isn't about what you want. I shouldn't have met you and you should have stayed away from me."

"I already told you, staying away wasn't an option. I felt...weak. And that day when I...well you know what happened."

"Yeah, I do, and I don't want you opening any more old wounds. I found hard to bury them in the darkest part of my mind. And if you're going to remind me I don't want anything to do with you, Emilio."

"I've never given up, you should know that, Penelope."

"Is that a threat or a promise?"

"Whichever is comforting to you," I all but growl.

I backed her up against the wall and placed my palms against the side of her head. Her breath came as pants, further confirmation that I affected her, and her fingers dug into the stem of the flowers.

"Last time it was you begging me for kisses, now this is me begging for yours."


She slammed her hand against my stomach and pain radiated through me. I backed away and managed to keep my expression neutral.

"If you still want that kiss you know where to find me, Penelope. Gentleness isn't in my repertoire but I want to be gentle for you even if it pains me to do so."

The elevator doors opened and she scurried out. I chased.


She disappeared through the revolving doors. I let her go because she was disgruntled and needed time to work out the problems in her head. At least she had taken the flowers.

If she came today that was a bonus. I just had to learn to be patience and it wasn't a virtue.

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