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Smut alert!

Penelope's heart was racing against my palm as we listened to the footsteps. There were note than one person and I listen closely to count two. The footsteps approached the bed and I did something I hadn't done in a long while. I fucking prayed.

The army boots paused at the side of the bed directly a few feet from my head. Penelope stiffened and silently hoped she didn't make a sound unknowingly.

"Do you have any idea where he could have kept them?" one man asked.

His voice was distinctively Spanish. Definitely Mexican.

"Knowing Brad, he wouldn't have left evidences behind."
Another voice. This one American.
"He fucking failed, Enzo. We knew we couldn't depend on him to bring the merchandise."
"Enough yapping. Brad's always exceptional and you know it."
The American growled. "You say that because he's your friend."

"Listen, let's just search, find it and leave," the Mexican said.

It felt like forever as we laid there listening verb them trash the place all the while I bit into my lips and repeating the prayer as a mantra inside my mine.

Don't make them look at the floorboard.

I hadn't even realized that my hold around Penelope had turned into s death grip until she whimpered. All trashing seized.
"Did you hear that?" the American asked.

"Hear what Enzo?"
"Hear what, Paul? Brad lives alone. If he had just done it the way boss wanted he wouldn't be in a coma now. Get the job done and leave."

They were talking in riddles but I got the gist of what they meant.

"There's nothing here, let's go. I hear the neighbors here are fucking nosey."

I waited a full ten minutes until I heard the front door close to crawl from beneath the bed. I didn't want any surprises if these men were truly professionals.

"What do you think they were talking about?" Penelope whispered.
My eyes remained glued to the secret safe in the floorboard. "I have no idea."
I fucking did.


I decided that I wouldn't take any chances where Penelope's safety and privacy were concerned.

"Is all this really necessary. Emilio?" she sighed as I installed the last camera outside her small porch.

"It is. Things are starting to get a bit creepy around here," I said.
From the corner of my eyes I saw a curtain shift on the second storey of Suzanne's house.

It was eleven in the night and people still had the audacity to spy around Penelope's home.

"How was your last night on campus?"
She smiled brightly at me. "It was good. I made a new friend."
"Make or female?" I asked nonchalantly.
"Male. He's sweet."
I growled. "Another Brad."
"Don't be ridiculous."
She pushed passed me into the house, white dress swirling around her legs. Penelope could be vicious but she could also be gullible as hell. Bad things were going to happen; I could feel it in my bones.

"I'm going to visit Brad tomorrow," she announced.
"Why? He's in coma."
I'd visited the hospital yesterday just to see for myself that he was really cold to the world. I hoped he stayed like that until I got what I-

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