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There had been a time in my life when I used to be an eternal optimist. Gash forward to the present I had nothing optimistic to think as I watched the chaos around me. I had no idea how my brother had done it but he'd gotten a helicopter to the estate (which I still on my bucket list of question, like how he managed to have bought it) before traversing by car from LA.

I stood in the mist of everything as men in police uniforms scurried around. My home was swimming with intruders and I found myself ducking under the yellow tape to March right up to the door, Nicolai hot on my heel.

I stopped dead in my tracks, shock shrouding my face at the right of Emilio sitting on a chair wearing handcuffs.
His eyes flared when he saw me before relief swept replaced the hard scowl he wore.

"Miss!" Someone called. "You are not supposed to be in here. Please evacuate the crime scene."
My heart lurched and I whirled around to see an officer.
"Crime scene!" I screeched. "This is my home and you need to leave!"
The office seemed surprised. "You're Penelope Silver."

It was a statement.
"Miss Silver a body was found in your backyard. Evidences led to us conclude that Mr del Guardo killed Charles Renoir, used your backyard as a temporary burial ground and you're his accomplice. We found his shirt inside your closet with splashes of blood and dirt on it...

I stopped listening after that. The words body, murdered and accomplice echoed through my mind. My mind raced with questions and in the distance I could hear them calling out my name. I turned to glance at Emilio who had flown out of his chair and two officers were trying to subdue me.

The voices suddenly were fragments of sentences that sounded as thought each word were spoken through a tunnel, echoing off the walls.

Turning around I saw the officer brandish silver handcuffs that were punches to my gut while his mouth moved around silent words. Nikolai was currently being dragged away as his lashed out.

His words were spoken disjointedly as the panic attack took full force, numbing all my senses.
"Don't...my sister...please!"
The clink of the metal cuffs sounded nearer and I took a step back. Disgust crawled over how skin and I shook my head frantically. I couldn't bare to be subdued like that again.

"Please...don't," I choked on my words.

The officer's hand took my wrist gently but I had none of it. He wanted to put me in shackles just like Juan. The dark memories bled into my mind igniting my fury and I lashed out.
The neck thing I knew I was flung down into the floor, the dude if my face pressed against the cool flooring. I blacked out at the feel of the cold metal licking around my wrists.


I jolted awake with a chocked whimper. My hair formed a thick veil before my eyes and I tipped my head back to get the strands from my face. Ad I lifted my hand something tugged me back.

Looking down my breath stopped at the metal cuffs around my wrists that ere linked to a chain in the center if the cold silver table.
I fought hard to keep my breathing even and my eyes everywhere but those cuffs. I recognized the room instantly. I was under lockdown in some interrogation room.
Everything came rushing back.
Emilio! Where had they taken him?
The four was flung open and in walked a tall lanky man with bright red hair and a nose like lying Pinocchio. He resembled an evil fix and I decided that I hated him already.

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