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A few hours earlier...

After Emilio left my house in a furious hase like Lucifer himself I finished breakfast alone. I decided to clear the air with Brad later during the day. I considered the man my friend and there should be no door for humiliation or unease.

I knocked on the door twice but got no answer so I turned the knob and stepped into living room. There was no sign of Brad. More paintings littered the walls. The themes remained the same, dark and seductive. Women's bodies were on full display. Where did he buy these?
I climbed the stairs and looked around. The last room on the left was partially opened and I moved quietly towards it. I saw Brad's naked back. He was seated on a stool wearing a headset and painting on a large canvas.

My eyes stayed revetted on the tattoo of a giant star in the center of his back.
I pushed the door opened and stepped in and the floor creaked. Brad whirled around and stated at me in shock.
I smiled. "You lied to me Brad. You said you bought them. Why? Is it because you're a pervert?"

His eyes widened and the expression on his face was priceless. I couldn't hold back the burst of laughter.

"Why did you lie, hmm?"
I stated at  him pointedly as he fumbled with his words.
"It's not something I share with people," he signed.
I glanced away from him to the canvas and an idea struck.
"Do me," I demanded.
He cleared his throat. "Erm, I don't think your boyfriend would appreciate that."
"What Emilio doesn't know won't hurt him. And by do me, I meant paint me."

Understanding flashed across his face.
"O-Oh. I see. When now!"
"Yes, of course."
He scratched his nape, muscles bulging. Muscles? I'd known Brad for years and I found it odd that I'd never  really looked at him.
"How about later? I'm getting paid for this so it had to be finish before tomorrow. I'm already late."

"Later then come by."

When Brad arrived he carried a large box. I led him to the patio.
"I want it against the garden."
I shimmered down the top of my robe and his eyes followed the movement before he caught himself.
"So, yes, the garden."
He bend at the waist to deposit the box.
"Brad I hope we're cool about this morning."
He sighed and began to set up the paint on a makeshift stand my father  had used for his paintwork.
"It's fine, Pen."
It was quiet for a while and I dragged my over back over my shoulder and tied the knot.
"You know what? I'm not cool about it. I don't like him. I honestly thought you had better taste."
Brad's voice was laced with distaste.
"Brad, I don't know..."
"What did he do to you? That night I came in and found you crying. You still haven't told me."
"Brad it's noting you need to worry about. Emilio's already apologise."
He moved closer to me and suddenly he didn't look like that sweet quiet man I'd grown to like. He looked  larger and dangerous.

"So if he slapped you around you'd take his apology?"
He took a step forward and I took one back until my back hit the railing.
"I don't trust him. He's after something."
"After something?" What the hell did that mean?"
"Something about him is off."
"Something about you is off at this moment!"

He cupped my face and stared deeply into my eyes.
"It's not fair," he said almost brokenly.
"What's not?" I breathed.
"He gets to have you and I don't."
Then his mouth smashed on mine. I didn't know how to react. I was shocked for one and I gasped. Brad took advantage of that and slipped his tongue into my mouth.

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