Chapter 2

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By lunch time, all of out hangovers were gone or somewhat gone. We decided to do a "patience test" challenge against Simon so while he was in a chair downstairs, we went up into the kitchen to look for stuff. We had a camera set up and he would be posting this on his channel.

"Ohh. Look, mayonnaise!" Harry had shouted across the room.

"Shhhh.." Everyone had responded back, we didn't want Simon to know what we had planned for him.

I was looking through the fridge and found a bottle of ketchup and some pickles. I used those as my two things, and as everyone got their stuff we headed back down to where my unlucky brother was.
"Oh no." He shouted, we all just laughed and got the camera ready.


Simon had just gone to take a shower, he was covered in gross things, ranging from ketchup to cake icing. His hair was all yellow and powdery from flour and eggs. His shirt was almost unrecognizable, he'll have a fun time cleaning it. His pants had a little bit of stuff on them, like my mayonnaise and some yellow yolk of an egg.

While he was getting cleaned up, everybody was watching and editing the video for him. We couldn't stop laughing at his reactions and the crap we had been so mean to put on him.

Ethan was the only one not here, he had other things planned but I could only imagine if he was. His laugh would be filling the room and Simon would've gotten even more stuff put on him, which would've been hilarious.

"That was incredibly mean." We all turned around at the sound of Simon's voice.

"Well," I looked at Harry who was talking, "You agreed to do it. So you, technically, did this to yourself."

I laughed and went over to hug Simon. He hugged me back and until then, I didn't realize he had his hands behind his back. He hugged me back, but then I felt a cool, weightless, substance on my head. I gasped and backed away from my brother.

"What did you do!!??" I put my hands to the top of my head and they got covered in whipped cream. I took my hands and scooped the whipped cream up. I went to slap Simon but he ran over to the rest of the guys who were standing there laughing, not even helping or anything. I walked slowly over to Josh, who was Simon's "shield" and I went to reach behind him to slap the boy but at the last minute, Simon moved and I slapped the back of Josh's head, covering him in the creamy substance.

Josh gasped and, in a hurt voice, exclaimed, "Why did you do that?" I just slapped him again playfully. Josh backed away, throwing a hand to his chest. I just laughed and went to go take a shower and clean my hair.

Josh and I were walking up the stairs to the bathroom, as soon as I realized that we were both thinking of going to the same bathroom I started running. After that, it seemed like Josh figured it out as well because he started chasing after me. I locked myself in the bathroom when I got there, beating him to the clean, tiled room.

"Aww come on." Josh whined from the behind the door. I just laughed and responded with, "There are other bathrooms in this enormous house Josh."

I just heard him playfully sigh and stomp up the stairs to the bathroom on the next level.


"JOSH!!!" I had just gotten out of the shower and It was ice cold. I dried off and put my black Fall Out Boy shirt on and denim skinny jeans. I left my hair to air dry before I went downstairs to search for Josh.

I knew he had made my shower cold on purpose, that boy doesn't know what's coming to him.

"Yes?" he asked innocently, causing me to just just glare at him.

"I know what you did, and let me tell you. You don't know what I'm capable of." He just looked at Simon, earning himself a sad smile from my brother.

"Good luck man." Simon said, patting Josh's shoulder before walking out of the kitchen.

Josh looked over at me again, and he genuinely looked scared. I just smiled sweetly at him before turning around and heading into Josh's room to grab my bag.

I set my bag down on the guest room bed and grabbed my bathroom bag to put on some limited makeup and style my hair a little bit.

I started to open the door, but found it locked. I knocked and heard the voice of Josh in there, sounding scared.

"Oh Josh, I won't hurt you. Yet. I just have to get in there to get ready."

I heard his footsteps on the floor and the lock of the door.

Josh walks out and grins at me and continues to his room cautiously. I just chuckle and head inside the bathroom.


Yay! Chapter Two!
So, All The Sidemen will be hanging out soon together and she will do some recording with the guys! Soon👍
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Thanks and as always!

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