Chapter 27

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"Will you come with us to Eurogamer?"

The loudness of their question hit me full force, stunning me for a second, I stopped breathing, I leaned on the counter for my balance. Then I came back to Earth, watching their questioning eyes examine me, looking for something in my expression. Looking for something in my body language. Something that might give away my answer as I held onto the counter still, gripping it tightly, trying to catch my breath.

It's not like I didn't know they would ask me, I knew for a long time. I had even been preparing myself, playing out our conversation in my head, how I would respond and all that. But, once they finally asked, it was like all that flew out of my head and before I could even think about my actions, before I could think of any other answer, I blrted out my response.


The looks on all of their faces showed sheer joy, they started jumping up and down, that is they were jumping up and down. They noticed my face about five seconds later, my confusion, glumness. They stopped jumping, they stod still looking into my eyes once more.

"I mean... no?" I mutter questioningly.

"What do you mean?" Ethan asked, he, they, were looking down at me sadly.

"Yeah. What do ya mean?"

They all broke out into sad questions, asking why I had said what I did.

I mean, my reason was good right? The fans, I could see on all of the Sidemen's videos comments', they had hated me.

'Get taht gold digger out of your videos. She isn't there because she likes you. She's there for the money, why can't you see that?'

'She's ugly'

'Why are you dating her Josh. You can do so much better.'

I am pretty sure Simon and Josh don't go through there comments that much, at least the few one's that I am in. They don't know, but I check them all, even if it pains me t see them. I come across a few good ones, but they are rare, but I still come across them and i still reply to them. It boosts my lw self confidence, but I soon realize that they were just rying to be good fans and not send hate to a Sidemen's girlfriend. I get back to reading the hate, the vicious words said by millions over the internet on a person they know nothing about.

I knew if i went with them to Eurogamer, it would get worse, fans would glare, fans woul dhate in real life, it was all just too much for me. But, I could not tell the boys this, I didn't want them to be dissapointed with their fans, at the least they would send videos out, at the worst, they wouldn't go to Eurogamer. I still cared and knew enough about the boy's that they would be devasted, missing an opprotunity to reach out to their fans. I can't tell them, I had to lie, for the sak of the fans. Not just the faithful supportive ones, even the non-faithful ones, the ones who would still be meeting with The Sidemen.

" I think I will be getting in the way and you'll be off getting a bunch of pictures with fans and I'll just be there sitting and smiling," I looked at their confused faces before continuuing on, "and the fans will want pictures with you, not me."

I finish off, managing to musture up a big and, hopefully, real-looking-smile. Their faces dropped, Simon and Josh came forth. Josh planted a kiss on my head, Simon hugged me tightly. They both dragged my away from the other five boys, still eyeing my suspiciously and curiously. I was dragged up the steps, into Simon's room, and onto the bed.

"What is the real problem now?"

I repeat what I said before, hoping this time I was more believable, that these two people so close to me, had bought my lies. All for the sake of the fans' that were treating me like shit.

"Nope. I should know when you are lying sis, I grew up with you."

Well crap.

I watched them carefully, seeing them watching me, waiting for an answer.

I gave in, telling them everything, drowning in my tears by the time I was finished. Josh had me in his arms, petting my hair like I was a dog. Simon was crying as well, but only slightly, not enough not to hear my story.

"Why didn't you just tell us this before?" He questioned.

"Yeah, we could've addressed it with the fans, make sure this sort of thing stopped happening."

I snapped for no reason, I pulled myself from my boyfriend's grip, went off the side of bed and stood there.

"This is the reason i didn't tell yu. okay? I knew you react like this, make another video, most likely with me in it telling your fans to stop with the hate. But I know it won't stop, it'll probably get worse with the video. More like them saying I was weak, that I was just trying for attention. That the tears aren't real, only to be more noticed."

I walked out of the room, into my room, locked the door, and cryed on my bed until night came around and I wasn't hungry for food so I stayed in my room, laying on the comfy bed. Eventually I fell asleep, dreaming of a parellel universe where people might actually like me.


Sorry I haven't uploaded in a while. I was vusy and I wil try to get back on my normal writing schedule! I was just not being able to find the time after school to write and ugg.

Comment what you liked and disliked.

Thanks, and as always.....


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