Chapter 26

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"Okay I uploaded the video!"

I looked at my youtube, pausing the call from Josh for a minute to check. I saw the video titled, FIFA 15 with my Girlfriend, I smiled at the word girlfriend, before watching the video. I saw that he had not stopped the video when I said goodbye and that it had gone on longer until I left the room. I unpaused the call and put the phone up to my ear.

"Really Josh? Did you HAVE to do that?"

All I got in reply was laughing, and a almost non-existent Sorry.

"Yeah that's what I thought"

I looked at the veiws, almost 600 by now, 300 likes, 2 dislikes.

Well fuck you too

I checked comments, knowing it was a bad idea, but I was exremely curious. I cautiosly scrolled down, showing one comment at a time, reading them carefully.

You two are so cute together!

You just got beat by a girl!

Haha, Cassie beat you 'joshey'

That bitch is money thirst

Do more video's together

How does this video have 600 veiws when there are only 500 in the world?

Dump that gold digger. Did you see the way she was asking you to hand her the money. Slutty Gold digger.

Guys, stop hating on Cassie. You aren't real fans if you do that. He is happy with Cassie, so you should be too, and if you don't then don't hate on her! She already has enough on her plate with dating a YouTuber and having a channel of her own. Now stop hating and get on with your damn lives.

I stoped reading then, before replying with a Thank You and smiley face on that comment by a veiwer. I was still talking to Josh on the phone about where we were going to go this weekend, we had decided on hiking on Saturday morning, up to a nearby waterfall. I looked at the clock, seeing the digital numbers flashing, 12:05. Well. Midnight then. I say a quick goodbye and goodnight to Goodnight to Josh before hanging up and getting ready for bed.

I walked over to the bathroom, taking my contacts out and taking my light makeup off. I slipped my jeans and black shirt off, switching them for silk shorts and another black shirt. I put my hair in a loose bun, before walking out of the bathroom. I walked over Josh's room, don't even ask. I don't even know why we were talking on the phone and why we had said goodnight when I went in there every night to say it. I opened the door, finding him on the bed, a computer in his lap, a phone in his hands, and large shirt with plaid pajama pants on.

"Hey" I said with a smile.

He loked up, surprised, before responding calmly, "Hey Cas."

"Whatcha doin?" I asked, a playful tone in my voice. I hopped over the bed next to him, bouncing slightly on the springy bed.

I saw his computer screen, an editing program up and he was editing a GTA video. I saw his phone, a picture of him and the Sidemens' heads' on their GTA characters. I smiled, before putting my arms around him, laying down on him. He set his computer down on the floor beside him and laid his phone on the charger. He put his arms around me, kissing the top of my head, before laying his head on mine. Before I realized, we had both fallen asleep, wrapped up in each other, laying on the bed.


Sorry for this crappy chapter. It is 8:30 here and my contacts hurt and I'm listening to A Day Remember... so yeah. I promise I will make it longer in the next chapter! So yeah I love you!

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Comment if you like A Day To Remember---i'm listening to All I Want because... Pete Wentz <3 (Music Video)

Comment if you hate wearing your contacts... because I do.


Thanks! And As Always!


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