Chapter 5

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"Hey bestie? Can we get some food, I'm starving!" I look over at Ethan to see him concentrating on the road while Kongos was on the radio.

"Yeah, sure. What do you want kid?" I just flared at him, like he knew I would do. He knew I hated that nickname and if he says it one more time I'm gonna do something about it.

"Um.... I don't know? How about McDonalds?" I replied and he just chuckled.

"McDonalds huh? Okay. We'll go." After hearing this, I fist bump the air. I felt the pain shoot up my arm before I heard what I did. Apparently, in my excitement, I fought the roof of the car and lost. Shooting out curses, u straddled my hurt hand as it instantly began to bruise up.

"What the heck kid, why'd you do that for?" Ethan asked, pulling off to the side of the highway. I shrugged gently as he turned the lights on to examine the hand.

"Okay, we'll take you to the hospital, just to make sure, then we'll get your McDonalds," He started, turning the blinding lights off and pulling back onto the road, "even though it's 9 at night." I laugh and told Ethan that he loved me. All he did was sigh and mutter something under his breath. This began our silent, besides the obnoxious music on the radio, drive to the hospital.


The doctor had just finished taking an x-Ray of my hand, so I was sat in a room along with Ethan, waiting for the doctor to come back with the results. It hurt like crap, it was all purple and blue from the bruising, and it was getting all swollen. The doctor said he was pretty sure it was broken.

"Well! At least you can call in sick to your.... Non-existent job...," he looked over at me and saw my blank, irritated stare, before continuing, "that didn't go as planned." I chuckled lightly, but Ethan went freaking full out stopping as soon as the knock sounding on the door leading to the hallway.

I looked over and saw the tall doctor in his crisp white lab suit, with his clipboard in hand, stethoscope around his neck, and blue gloves covering his hands.

"It's what I feared," he said in a low, bad voice, "Your left hand is broken. Before you leave, we'll get it all wrapped up and stuff. I suggest staying with someone over the time your hand is healing. I'll be back in a minute with your stuff and then you can leave."

"Uggghhh, wonderful." I said as soon as the doctor stepped out. I looked over to Ethan and he was smiling.

"Why are you smiling? Are you an assassin in disguise? Who do you work for?" This is turn made his smile grow and a laugh escape his mouth.

"YOU CAN LIVE WITH THE SIDEMEN CASSIE!" I frowned before looking him in the eyes.

"They probably don't want me there. I'll be in the way."

I got major deja vu when Ethan showed me his phone with a text from my brother telling me to come with all my stuff and it will be a surprise.

I just sighed and thought, 'It'll only be for a small amount if time. And it is doctor's orders. Josh and I can talk as well.'

"Okay... Tell him I agree, I'll just have to go back to my house and get all my stuff." I told him, a little excited that I'll be living with my best friends temporarily.

"Yay!" He jumped up and began texting my brother back. He sat back down when the doctor came back in with something to put my hand in.

"Here you go! We will put this on, you will need to come back in one week to get a checkup, and it will be able to come fully off in 5 weeks." The friendly doctor put the cast thing on my arm and let me follow him out to the front of the hospital.

"Oh, Cassie. Your brother just texted me back. He said that when you get there, they will be gone. You can get all your stuff ready and that they will back later. So I'll help you unpack and stuff."

I nodded and kept walking towards Ethan's car. It was a black car, I'm pretty sure it was an Audi, and it was small. Hopping in, I turned my music on the radio and sat back in silence as Ethan drove us to my apartment.

As soon as we get to my apartment, it was almost 11 at night, and I was tired. Gathering all of the necessities and crap, I finished it all up. It took nearly 30 minutes to pack most of my stuff, and so I was a my "new home" at around midnight. I set all my stuff up, put all the clothes away, and made everything organized and clean. I made sure there was no trace of me being in the house outside the room, before thanking Ethan for his help and saying goodbye.

"Bye Ethan! Thanks for the help, are you coming over tomorrow?" I questioned, leaning carefully in the doorway.

"Maybe, you want me too?" He wiggled his eyebrows, I could tell that he was trying to keep a straight face. I laughed and pushed him out of the door with my right hand. I heard his laugh outside the house before closing the door. That was the one thing that I can fall asleep to, Ethan's perfect laugh.

'Time to sleep!' I thought to myself before going upstairs and getting into the warm bed. I fell asleep instantly, the soft pillow custioning my head.


"What is she doing here!" I woke up to the obnoxious sound of JJ inside my room, screaming. I could see him in the room, along with Simon, Josh and Vikk.

"Well, hello to you too!" I said groggily, but still managing to throw the best sarcasm I could. They all whipped their heads to me and the bed. I smiled and they all had confused faces except Simon.

"Well, you guys...," Simon started off with, "She broke her hand last night when Ethan was taking her home, the doctor said she needed to stay here until it's healed." He rushed out all in one breath, like maybe the guys wouldn't want me here. The boys faces went from confused to overjoyed. They started jumping up and down and screaming nonsense. I swear, they are 6 year olds in the bodies of older men.

"But that means no Xbox with anyone," Vikk noted with sad tone in his voice. I saw them all frown, but JJ's face lit up.

"But she can still play with us on other games!" JJ blurted out. I just laughed at their exchange before going to pick out something to wear today.

"So?" I jumped slightly at the voice right next to me. I turned to see Josh standing there, everybody else had left the room, giving us the perfect time to talk, "about the kiss, I think.."


I bet you liked the ending! Lol! So, yesah! Chapter 5 and she broke her hand :O. I haven't broken anything but I have had a few surguries so....... it counts lol.

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Thanks! And as always!


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