Chapter 12

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I heard the knock on my front door so I jumped up from the couch. I was sitting, watching a marathon of 'Falling Skies', all ready for Elisa to pick me up. I looked at the clock in the kitchen to see it was 3:30 and ready to go out the door. I was nervous about meeting the rest of Elisa's bridesmaids because I had never met any of her other friends.. Heck! Me and her weren't THAT good of friends. But she wanted me to do this, so I will, and I'll be able to see my best-friend getting married to the girl he loves.

Once I opened the door I saw Elisa in front of me. She looked me up and down and smiled. I looked at myself, seeing the Twenty One Pilots shirt, skinny jeans, and a pair of gray Vans with yellow laces. There's nothing wrong with how I looked right? Of course not. I looked at Elisa, she had a pink shirt with flower embellishments and some glitter. She had a pair of gray jeans, and a pair of pink sparkly heels. She had her hair curled, and a pair of big hoop earrings.

Oh well, she asked me to be her bridesmaid, she'll have to deal with my outfit. I went and grabbed my small purse and we headed out.

"Okay..," She started saying before we got to the car, "based on how you are... You may think these girls are really girly.. So just... Please get along?!" She looked back at me with pleading eyes. I laughed and nodded my head. I can deal with girly ness.

I got into her car and I saw all the rest of the girls. They had red and pink on, and makeup on their faces that was noticeable, but it wasn't caked on. They all smiled at me, their pearly white teeth blinding me for a minute. I smiled back before looking back to the road. I could feel some of them staring at me, I looked out of the corner of my eye. I could see one of then scowling at me, while shifting her eyes up and down my body. The other one was hitting the girl who was staring at me and giving her a stare. The other two were ignoring them and continuing in there own conversation. I kept looking out of the corner of my eye, to see the one girl, who was mostly all pink, still glaring at me. I turned to her and confronted her.

"Do you have a problem?" I ask, putting a obviously fake sweet tone into my question.

She just mumbled and turned away, I could see the one girl who hit her, mouthed a 'sorry.' And smiled. I smiled back before turning my head out the window.


"Oh my god. That was torture. They all need to just shut up and become less cheery. All of them hated me except for one, he name was Emma."

"Haha. I'm sorry you didn't like it. Wanna come over here? Everyone else is here, we are just going to hang out for a while." I heard the voice ask me through the phone.

I had just gotten back from the "get-together" for Elisa and her bridesmaids were freaking annoying, except for Emma. She was like me and we hung out most of the time, she thought they were all too girly, but they were the only friends she had so she had to be like them. We had exchanged phone numbers to keep in touch and then I had to deal with Girly Bitches #1, 2, and 3. They were all so stuck up and fake that I had trouble actually staying there and dealing with them for such a long time.

"Sure. I need someone to pick me up, I don't have a car." I heard a voice shout out through the house and the jangling of keys.

"I'll come and get you Cass." I heard Josh say before we both said bye and hung up.

'Ug.' I thought to myself. 'This is going to be terrible. I'm going to have to hang out with all of Elisa's friends for forever until the wedding. After it, the only person I intend on staying friends with is Emma.'

I go to make a bag because I might be staying at The Sidemen House tonight like the last time we "got together for a little bit." Once the bag is all done, I go and touch up in the bathroom a little before getting a slice of cold pizza I had gotten earlier. I chewed in delight before hearing a knock on my front door. I rush up, still holding a slice of pizza in my hand, before opening it and saying Hi.

"Hey there beautiful" he said in response, I just blushed and went in for a hello kiss. I pulled away, before we could start something and cause suspicion from the guys, and grabbed my bag, throwing it into the back of Josh's car.

"Let's go!"

We started driving and all I could think about was seeing all the guys.. And Harry. Oh no, Harry. I know it wasn't weird with him the last time but I don't know now, this is just gonna make me nervous now thinking about it so I stash the thought away and look at the trees passing by, their leaves turning from a dark forest green, to a blood red and pumpkin orange.


Okay! So here is chapter 12... Or 13? Lol, idk anymore.

I want you guys to know that tomorrow, is my first day of 8th grade and that I won't be able to upload every single day like before. I will try to get as many uploads as I can though, without disturbing my school work and all that jazz. Okay? Okay. (Lol, I'm so cruel.)

Comment what you liked, disliked about this fancy chapter. Comment some story suggestions, whether it should be a one-shot or a actual story, etc.

I want to thank all of you who have been reading, commenting your lovely opinions, and voting for my story. I honestly never thought I'd get to the pony where I am now, so thank a bunch!

Thanks! And as always!


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