Chapter 4

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"Is she your girlfriend?

"You are a cute couple."

"Ew. Slut."

"Can she be in more of your videos?"

Those were just a few of the comments on Josh's video he uploaded. Most of them made me feel special and loved... The others.... Not so much.

Josh and I were reading the comments and watching the video on the computer in his room. We laughed together at some points, and at each other at others. It was hilarious, watching his reaction at the end when I beat him. He was 'yelling' and bouncing in his seat, he was over-exaggerating his expressions at the end as well.

"So, that was fun. I think you should play with us more often. The fans love you clearly." I looked at Josh and he had a smile brightening up his face and I smiled back.

"Well... Not all of then.." I said unsurely, looking around the room avoiding his eyes.

"You can't have everyone like you Cass. But, those are just the haters. If you can, ignore them. They just try and get you down."

I smile again and Josh and I get up from the chairs and go downstairs to get some dinner.

I grab a knife, two pieces of bread, peanut butter, and strawberry jelly. I spread the ingredients on the thin white slices of bread and bite into the delicious sandwich I made. Josh had made a personal pizza and we both were eating on the couch watching tv.


"Jacob! Come back. I love you!" A squeaky voiced bimbo on the tv was saying to an attractive jock.

"Oh please. Like I would ever be with a girl like you."

"U...u...Melissa was cheating on you. She told Amber and Amber told me. You can't trust her Jacob." Bimbo said to "Jacob."

"What? With who?" He began walking back to blondie.

This always happens. The boy goes back to the girl and they kiss. He believes her lie.

"Oh my god. Change the channel. This movie is like all the others." I look over to see Simon and JJ sitting on the couch next to Josh and I. Josh had scooted over and our legs were touching and I was leaning up against his arm and so our whole bodies were touching now. To hide my blush I went to grab the remote and find I something to watch.

After finding nothing, I threw the remote at Simon and he put something on the tv that I wasn't interested in. I got up and went to the room I was staying in to start packing and going home.

Once I had gotten all my stuff together I went down the stairs and put it all by the door.

"HEY BEST BROTHER EVER? CAN YOU DRIVE ME HOME?" I shouted into the house. I waited for a reply but didn't hear one.

"ugh.." I walked into the room where they were sitting before but there was no one in it. At the last second I saw a camera in the corner of the room but didn't even have enough time to think that it was a prank before I felt something on my face.

A sting on my face and cold cream with what I felt for the longest time. I could hear the laughter of all the boys, I could see the camera up in my face.

"Nevermind. I don't like you, you aren't my favorite. I'll just have JJ or Josh take me home, or Vikk," I think a minute," wait no. They were apart of this. I'll get one of my best friends to drive me because they love me." I turn around to go walk out but see Simon and JJ standing in the doorway. Josh has a camera up to my face and in front of me are the boys snickering quietly. I feel a crack on my head followed by a cool slimy liquid Run down my back. I squeal and try to run out of the room away from the egg-holding Vikk.

One More Time - ZerkaaWhere stories live. Discover now