Chapter 11

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Josh was walking out of my room, towards his. It was about 10 at night and I kept my promise earlier in the movie theater parking lot.


'My back hit the wall, knocking the breath out of me, but I ignored and continued kissing the lips that were on mine. I had my hands tangled up in his soft hair, he had his soft hands locked around my waist, pulling me closer than we already were. My front was pressed up against him, my back was flat on the wall, we continued kissing for what seemed like hours before we start moving again, towards my room.

No one was home right now, so it was just us by ourselves until one of them came home. But then I reminded myself that I was going home soon, because I had gotten my cast off and didn't need to be here anymore. Thinking of that made me sad, so I pressed that to the back of my head and kissed Josh back harder. We were laying on the bed now, kissing with all we had, and more. I had my hands underneath his shirt in a matter of seconds, and he was exploring my stomach with his hands. Just thinking of that made me shiver with delight.'

(A/N: I'm just gonna skip this part now because... To intimate.. 😑 but they didnt... You know. Lol)


I quickly went over and out some pajamas on, took my little amount of makeup off, and went back over to the bed that Josh and I had shared an intimate moment on.

I layed back down and tried to fall asleep, but found it hard to because of what just happened.

(Again, just to clear up again, they didn't so it. So just, continue reading again.)

Every time i'd get close to sleep, my mind would think of Josh and I would get caught up thinking about him again. I looked at the clock to see it was midnight so I just sighed and went downstairs to watch some tv or something. When I was walking down I heard voices, coming from the kitchen.

"I just really like her. I can't stand her dating Josh." I heard the unfamiliar voice say, I sneak down to find out who and who are talking.

"I know. But they are happy together. You will find someone who you truly love, and they will love you back. I'm a real match-maker." I heard another voice say from the kitchen. Once I have gotten down to the kitchen, and hiding behind the pole, and see Harry and Vikk sitting on the chairs.

'Oh no. Harry was the one who likes me. Oh no. Oh no.' I run back up the steps quietly, I'm really not going to be able to sleep tonight.


I pecked Josh's lips before heading out the door with all my clothes and belongs. Tobi was going to drive me back to my house and help me unpack. Josh had a fit, because he wanted to be the one to take me, but Simon wasn't going to have it, us alone isn't a 'good idea.' Yet we've been alone so many other times, he doesn't even know.

"Bye guys, I'll come over soon!" I wave and they all wave back.

It hadn't been awkward with Harry when I saw him again, he didn't know what I had heard, so he just acted the same with me so I just did the same as well.

I got into Tobi's awesome car before driving off, the wind stirring my hair up, and me looking at the scenery through the colorful sunglasses on my eyes.

I look down at my phone, seeing a text from Elisa saying,

'Hey. Could I pick you up about 4 for a little girls hangout? It'll be the rest of the bridesmaids, and I and we are just going to watch movies and all that jazz'

I texted her back with a simple, sure, and continued looking at the trees passing by me.

"So? What's up?" I heard Tobi yell from beside me, trying to get his voice loud enough for me to hear the wind that was being created by the fastness of the car.

"Nothing much? You?" I ask, also yelling to make my answer known.

"I was sorta asking about you and Josh." He said, looking over to me, before looking back to the road he was driving on.

"Oh..... Awesome." I replied, looking at him.


Is thus chapter long enough? anyways... Chapter 12!!!

Lol, comment what you like or dislike, etc. comment if you want longer or shorter chapters!

I love the feedback and I have 400+ reads now! It's like in getting 100 views a day! Lol.

Thanks! And as always!


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