Chapter 8

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"This is so good!" I say, good still my mouth, I was starving and we just went to a restaurant that I had never been to before, the boys were giving my crap because of it.

"I still can't believe you've never been here Cass. I'm your brother, I should've taken you here at least once!" Simon said from across the table. I was sitting next to Ethan and Harry, Simon was sitting across from me. I looked down when I noticed nothing was on my fork when I tried to grab some noodles. When I noticed that all my food was gone, I huffed and slumped against my seat, watching all the guys eating their delicious food.

"Awwww. Is someone still hungry?" I looked up when I heard a voice directed at me. I see Josh, who was sitting next to Simon, with a pouty look on his face. I smiled sweetly before sticking my middle finger up at him and all the rest of the smiling Sidemen.
I heard a few tables next to us laugh, I guess they had been listening into our conversation.

"You guys are so mean to me sometimes." I say and look away from their almost-laughing faces.

" Oh! Coming from the girl who just flipped me off." I heard Josh say so I looked over at him, glaring.

"Would you like me to do it again?" I just look at him, pointedly. He just quietly screams and covers his eyes so he can't see if I actually do it. I laugh and steal his food while he continues to cover his eyes.

I see Simon start to shake Josh so I grabbed a handful of his food from his plate and put it on my plate. I grab my fork and pretend like I was eating the whole time, even though Josh was the one who pointed out that there was nothing left. I look up to see Josh glaring at me full on. I try to keep a straight face while still eating his food.

When I finally crack, I throw my hands in the air to surrender and laugh. I see a slight grin on his face and we just crack up.
It was late at night, almost midnight, and everyone was asleep. Except Josh and I. We were in my room, sitting on my bed, just talking (hint hint wink wink.... Lol Jk) about things.

"You wanna be in some of my videos in the future?" He asks cutely. He holds my hands and bats his eyelashes at me.

I laugh quietly at his playfulness, and I hug him softly. When we pull away I look into his beautiful eyes and start leaning into his face. When we get close, with our noses touching, I remember what Vikk told me. "I Know What's Up." I immediately backed up and checked the door, making sure it was locked. When I turned back around Josh was looking at me like I had four-eyes.

"What was that?" He asked, a hint on annoyance in his voice but only a tiny bit. I look to the door again before responding.

"Sorry," I grin sheepily before continuing, "Vikk told me earlier that 'he knew what was going on.' He didn't tell me what though. It just came into my head so I needed to check."

I bravely went over, wrapped my hands around his neck, and planted my lips on his. At first it was a sweet, soft, loving kiss and it started turning into more. Even more until we found ourselves on the bed, kissing each other surely and firmly, but still making sure my hand wouldn't be crushed.

"Josh...." I breathe out. We needed to stop this, before we did something that we regretted. Josh didn't have a shirt on, he had his hands wrapped around my bare waist, my shirt had been pulled up a little bit, not past my bra though. He had backed off a lot, still keeping his shirt off, but the kisses had turned from the deep passionate, to the sweet soft ones again.

I had my hands placed on his chest, his still around my waist. We pulled away to catch our breathes, when a knock sounded at the door. I pushed Josh off the bed and he ran into the big closet on the other side of the bed.

I go under the covers and pretend I'm asleep before the person walks in. I hear the soft click of the lock and hear the door open.

"Cass? You awake?" I hear a voice call out. It sounded like Vikk. I pulled the covers back over my head, and got up, "groggily."

"Yes?" I ask him. He walked up to my bed, jumping up and landing on it perfectly, bouncing me up. I laughed before getting serious again, what does Vikk want at midnight?

"I want to explain myself. From earlier." I bet the shock was showing on my face before trying to listen to what he was saying.

"I could tell by the way you and Josh were acting today. I know what's going on between you two. I'm just, you know as your older brother, trying to look out for you. Be careful Cass." I

I look at Vikk, dumbfounded. Before saying thanks and laying back down. When the door closed all the way and the footsteps faded away I quietly called Josh back out. He comes out, still shirtless, and my expressionless face forms into a the happiest. He mimics this, before giving me a peck on the cheek and saying goodnight.

I laid down in bed for the last time this night and fell asleep
Yay, chapter 9!!! I like this chapter! Lol.
Remember to comment what you like, dislike, etc...!!!!! Thanks!
I'd love it when you all comment and vote, love the feedback!
Thanks! And as always!
(P.s. Sorry if I use a ton of exclamation marks. I love them! Lol. )

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