Chapter 17

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3 weeks later


"What if it hurts!" I whined like a little kid. Josh was driving me to my doctor so that she could take the stitches out of my head.

"What if-" Josh interrupted me, laughing in the process of trying to be mad.

"Shut up," he said. I couldn't take him seriously though with his laugh mixed in, "it won't hurt. Now just... Shut up."

By the end, he was laughing so hard I was afraid we would get in an accident on this busy highway, we don't need another one to happen.

"Fine then. Enjoy the silence young one, while it lasts." I replied, keeping a totally straight face and looked out the window with my arms crossed.

"Hey! I'm older than you dumbo." Josh said, slapping my arm playfully. I just ignored this and continued in silence. He sighed, guessing I was for once doing what I was told, and turned up the music. It was some slow band I didn't recognize and I looked at Josh, a look of concern on my face.

"Why do you have this in your car?" I asked, breaking my silence only to see if my boyfriend was sane. His head snapped to me, before turning back onto the road, before his lips turned into a smile.

"You don't mind me having this playing? It's my favorite band, I bought tickets to go see them in a month! You wanna come?" Josh exclaimed, too excited for it to be true.

"You've got to be kidding me. You aren't into this crap right? Please tell me you aren't. I mean, it's fine if you are I just..... Don't play it while I am here." I shyly called out, so Josh could hear me over the music he had just turned up about 10 notches.

He looked at me, totally serious and I began to panic... No no! This can't be happening, the Josh I know doesn't listen to this.

"Who are you and what have you done to my boyfriend?" I said loudly, putting my hands in position to do a karate move, even though I don't know any.

"Cass. I'm joking, this is a CD I saw for free so I picked it up just in case it was good or something. Calm down." Once the words came of his mouth, I let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding and turned some Twenty One Pilots on and began to sing along with the lyrics that had helped so many people through tough times.

---------------------|-/ <--- Twenty One Pilots Sign using the English Keyboard.

"You're right! It didn't hurt at all!" I called out to Josh who was sitting in the waiting room. They wouldn't allow him in the room where I was getting my stitches out and honestly, I put up more a fight than him but in the end, I got in and they took them out easily and painlessly.

He looked up from his phone and smiled.

"I know, I'm always right! You should know that by now." He said, standing up and hugging me before heading over to the front desk to pay for my visit.

"50.98$" the lady said in a upbeat voice. She had a light blonde hair curled all the way down her back, she had a plain blue skirt on and a black dress shirt on. She had black heels with flowers all over them and her makeup was on point. I could tell she was looking at Josh and not really me but I didn't care right now. I just need to leave this damned place and try not to get hurt again.

I felt a tug on my arm and looked up to see Josh had already payed and we were leaving. I left my head, and transferred over to real life quickly and started walking with Josh to the car.

"So, I'll just get my stuff and have Vikk drive me home. Is that okay?" I asked, breaking the comfortable silence that was taking place in the car.

"No!! I don't want you to leave" Josh replied, putting his bottom lip on top if his top, and grabbed one of my arms and shook it slightly.

"I gave to go home sometime!" I said back shortly, laughing slight at Josh's behavior.

"No you don't. You have to stay right with me. Where you belong." He replied stubbornly.

"No I don't. I have things to do."

"Yes you do. I have things to do to you.

I blushed at the comment before shooting back, "No I don't. I have things to do with Patrick Stump but he doesn't stay at my house?" By then, Josh could tell he was going to lose and I was going home either way.

"Okay. Okay. I get it, might as well say bye now." My boyfriend said, accepting defeat and pouting.

"Oh! I never said when if leave tonight? You can do what you want until later tonight." I exclaimed, winking at him before turning to look out the window and bask in embarrassment. 'Why did I wink.! That would've been okay without the unattractive, weird wink. Now he probably thinks I'm a creeper'

"Okay. Tonight." He replied, my eyebrows shot up, I was thinking he would think I was a creepo or just plain weird and then break up with me. All over a wink, god dammit.

"Tonight." I repeated slowly and quietly, playing the words on my lips, and blushing once I thought about the true meaning behind the word. Why we had come up with this.

We pulled into the driveway of the house and I quickly hopped out, grabbing some stuff to carry inside and opened the door for Josh and I to enter. I sent some of the stuff- a grocery bag, a phone case, and a mailing package- onto the counter in the kitchen and went up to grab my stuff and out it by the door so when I left I could carry it but it wouldn't be in the way tonight.


Chapter 18 and by the rate it's going, I'll have Chapter 1 of the Harry FanFic up tomorrow morning/evening. Depends on how long it takes me to finish!

Remember to comment what you liked, disliked, anything. AND YOU! Yes you, Linda, comment on this. Haha. Yeah, if your name isn't Linda you could've just skipped that but, yeah... Lol.

Should she move in with the Sidemen or should she stay at her home? Comment suggestions!

I have the 1st chapter if my Harry fanfic up! It's called  With You! Read it if you want!!

QOTD: Favorite color


Thanks! And as Always!



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