Chapter 21

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"Let's go to the bowling alley?" I suggested, buckling my seat belt and looking at Tobi, who was the driver.

"Yeah, that sounds good, what do you think Harry."

"Wonderful. I'm so good at bowling, I'll just kick you butts." He replied, sarcastically, but Tobi ignored and started driving off towards the nearest bowling alley.

"Yay! Bowling alley!" I yelled, before plugging my phone in and listening to some new songs that I had just recently bought.


"Strike?" I asked, walking away from the lane, not looking back at the pins I had knocked down.

"Yes. Actually." Harry said, looking at the scoreboard. I fist-bumped the air, before high-fiving Tobi, and sitting down to watch Harry bowl his turn. He got a 3 and then a 4, equaling a total of 7 pins down.

"Boo!" I commented, sticking a thumbs down in Harry's face. He stuck his tongue out at me, before hearing Tobi's clacking bowling shoes walking up to the lanes and grabbing his ball. Harry sat down, watching him, before starting a conversation with me.

"So, how's it going?" He asked, cautiously. Well... This isn't awkward at all.

"Okay, how about you." I said, still looking at Tobi waiting for his ball to come back up.

"Good, I wanted to ask of you would do some videos with me, maybe later this week?"

I looked over at Harry, shocked, but then agreeing to his question.

"Great! I'll be over at the guy's house on Wednesday, wanna come over then and then I could take you to my house on Thursday."

"Sure!" I replied, excitement leaking from my mouth. I looked up and saw Tobi walking back to us, a 9 and a / on his screen, meaning he got a spare. I high-fived him and got up to take my turn.


"I won?" I said out loud, not knowing how in the world that happened. The score was, Me: 120. Tobi: 118. Harry: 105

"Yeah. Now let's get all of our stuff turned in so we can leave, I gotta get home." Harry said from beside me, so I took my shoes off and put my flip flops on, sticking socks into my purse, and putting my ball back onto the shelf where it belonged. I walked my shoes up to the front desk, setting them on the wooden bar. Since we had payed when we walked in, I walked out of the building, and walked across the parking lot to Tobi's car. I saw Harry setting his shoes on the counter and Tobi just getting ready to open the door, when I felt a warm, sweaty hand cover my mouth. Another hand grabbed my waist and started pulling me out of the parking lot. I saw Tobi start running, and the kidnapper started running as well, throwing me over his shoulder. I had a view of Harry and Tobi running to me, and they were catching up fast. Before I knew it, the guy fell and a pair of hands grabbed me, shielding me from the guy. But the strange thing was, that Tobi and Harry just got here and they were beating the guy up, asking him questions about what and why.

I looked at the face of the guy who saved me and I didn't recognize him.

"Hello?" I said shyly, getting the attention of the man. He looked back at me, and I saw his features. His piercing green eyes looked at me, examining if I was hurt. His brown hair was just long enough to see underneath his hoodie. He had a navy blue hoodie on, that said "S.O.T.B." I was curious but didn't want to ask.

"How did you find me?" I asked again, hoping to get a response, but hi looked at Harry and Tobi who were looking at us, the man out cold on the ground. He just let go of my arm and fled the scene.

"Anyways. We better call 911 and tell them what happened, get this guy in jail before he tries something again." Tobi said, walking over to me and hugging me tightly, I felt another pair of arms enclose around me and I just relaxed, knowing they would have my back whenever I needed help. I heard sirens in the distance, coming our way. I went over and sat on the ground against a wall, and waited for the cars to come here and us to explain what happened. Before long, I saw the blue and red lights of a cop car not far ahead, and it was racing towards us.


Sorry I didn't upload yesterday, I feel so bad, but the 2hour season finale of my show was on and I couldn't miss it and I went hiking, and had. sleepover so yeah. Anyways, this is chapter 22 and I love your feedback so.....

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Thanks! And As Always!


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