Chapter 3

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After I was done getting ready in the bathroom, I begged my brother and his friends to take me shopping, I needed more band merch.

"Come on! Please! Simon, I love you so much. You are my favorite brother!"

"Cassie. I love you too, but we have things to-"

"Oh, Simon. Let's hang with your sister. We can do things later!" I looked over to see Vikk and Josh standing there, a smirk on both of their faces.

"Plus, Tobi and Harry left her here. She has no where to go." I know they knew perfectly well I could walk home but I guess they were saying that to make a point. I just put a serious look on my face and looked back over to Simon, who was staring at Josh and Vikk like they had two-heads.

"You do know she will buy a bunch of things, we'll probably be out all day." I gasped with fake disbelief and innocence. Vikk just laughed and went to go get ready.

"Okay, well. I'm ready, as soon as you awesome dudes are ready we'll go!" I exclaim to Simon and Josh. I pull my phone out and check for a Hot Topic around their house. I squeal and jump up when I see that there is one just 5 minutes away. I hear someone laughing so I look over and see Josh standing on the last step near where I was standing.

"Excited much, little Cassie."

I decide to ignore that he called me Little and just nod my head excitedly. I show Josh my phone, which had the map and directions to Hot Topic. He just chuckles and mutters something I couldn't make out but I decide to ignore it yet again.

After everyone had gotten down the stairs, Vikk had gone to go get JJ so he could come with us and have fun!


"Where to?"

I showed Simon the directions on my phone to my favorite store. On our way there I plugged my phone in and started singing along to "Bang The Doldrums" by Fall Out Boy. Simon just kept looking in his mirror at me giving me weird looks, finally I had enough. I turned the music off for a minute.
"What?" I asked suddenly, he looked at me again.

"I didn't know you listened to this kind of music Cas." I gave him a questioning look before he just shrugged and turned his attention back to the road.

When the song was over we were almost to the store but I decided to turn "The Great Die-Off" by Rise Against and Simon just looked at me once again but kept driving.

Once the song was over, we were in the parking lot of the store. I quickly un-buckled myself and rushed into the store. It's been forever since I had been in here.


By the time I was done picking out the stuff I wanted I had gotten: 3 Fall Out Boy shirts, 2 Twenty One Pilots, 2 pair of sunglasses, 2 Panic! At The Disco shirts, 1 pair of jeans, and a poster.

The cashier was ringing all the stuff up and Josh came up next to me.

"Wow, I wonder how much that will be?" He's right, I had gotten so many things, it's gonna be so much money.

Josh continued with, "If you don't have enough I'll pay for the rest."

I just pushed him playfully before whispering, "I know you're like rich and famous, and can afford to do that, but no. I got it." He just laughed and the cashier chirped up.

"Your total will be $104.78." She gave me a friendly smile before looking between Josh and I.

"You guys are a cute couple." I just blushed and started to correct her before I felt hands on my waist and a voice saying, "I know." I could practically hear the smile on Josh's face right now. I handed the cashier, who's name was Karen, the money and she have me her number so we could hang out some time.

We were leaving the store, me with my 2 bags of clothes, and all the boys just looking kinda lost.
Josh and I were having a conversation about what just happened.

"What was that? We aren't a couple. Unless....?" I whispered to him, gently elbowing his stomach. He just stopped and looked at me while blushing.

"Oh my gosh. Josh! I'm joking!!" He just let the air out and kept walking with me. I just laughed and kept walking with him.

"Well, she looked like she said that to see if I was available. Did you see her face when looking at me? She was practically trying to throw herself on me! I did that to save myself, and you."
Wow, I didn't realize that but oh well.

"Oh okay." I simply replied. We walked in silence to the car, JJ and Simon were in front of us, leaning up against the car.

"Where to next?" Simon asked and I just shrugged.

"LETS GO BACK TO THE HOUSE!!" JJ practically screamed in the car. I covered my ears, and I felt bad for Simon because he was up front with JJ. I just laughed and looked over to Josh who was beside me in the car. He was already looking at, also laughing.


"You have to!! I want you too!" Josh was trying to beg me into playing FIFA with him for his channel. He had his hand on my wrist and was trying to drag me up the stairs. I looked back to see all the guys just laughing at me. Wow, thanks for helping me with this, "friends." I just have in and Josh and I walked up the stairs without a problem after that.

"Okay, so I'll do an intro, on our faces, then we will start the video and our faces won't be in the rest of it, except the end. Okay?" Josh was explaining what he did in his videos.

"Yes sir." I playfully said, doing a salute. He chuckled and he began his intro.

(A/N: I don't know really how to play the game so I'll just skip this part to where they are reviewing and editing.)

"I don't get how you won. You've never played that game before!" Josh was complaining, I had beat him at FIFA- 4-2- and he didn't like it.

"How do you know? I never told you I didn't"

"Well.. I..." I just smirked and left Josh sitting there to watch his video upload to YouTube.


Chapter three! I don't really like this chapter, it wasn't really that good:/ I felt like I could do better but I didn't know what!
Comment what you think should happen in the upcoming chapters!
Thanks, and as always!

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