Chapter 7

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I decide not to tell him about Josh and I so I just play it off like I'm offended.

"Can't I be happy? Do you want me to live in the black hole I was in before this?" I ask with fake, but still believable, offense. I just stand there watching his face shift through emotions like a slut goes through guys. First sorry, then confused, then happy again.

"Oh. Okay, sorry." He said, putting his head down and walking out of the room.

I congratulate myself, and laugh quietly, because of my awesome acting. I walk back to the room and sit on a different couch because Simon had taken my seat. The seat I sat in now was beside Josh and Harry.

We heard a knocking on the door and instantly jumped up to get it, throwing my pizza away on the process. I opened the door to find Ethan, who I knew would be there, and hugged him, trying to have my hand bag to much on his back when I flung it around his shoulder.

"Hey there bestie, it's been too long!" I say in a high-pitched barbie voice. I kept up my act and tried not to laugh when Ethan laughed at that. I looked over at him and he was getting ready to say something back.

"I know! We need to like, Totes catch up, bestie!" He said in response in the same tone, adding obsurb hand gestures into his act. I laugh at our stupid-ness and continue on our way to the living room where the rest of the guys were. Yay! All the Sidemen together to hang out!

"Hey guys! Here's my bestie, and we havent seen each other in like, forever. So I want you too meet him, he is super funny." I said in the same voice I had used before when greeting Ethan at the front door. I look at all the faces of the boys an see them staring, their jaws dropping, and some were trying to hide their laugh. Before I said something else I switched my pose and had a mental pep talk with myself.

"What? You don't like the new me? Can't you just be a bitch on the inside and try and encourage me on the outside." I said all bitchy and I flicked my haair over my head and strutted away, making sure to swing my hips extra, and climb the steps. I hear the uncontrolable laughter echoing through the house, I just go upstairs and put my headphones and fall asleep to sound of the music flowing throught the soft peices of rubber in my ears.


"Wakey Wakey, Bakey Bakey." I hear a soft voice whisper into my ear. I started laughing when I felt hands moving along my stomach, tickling me to death. I try to beg whoever is on the bed with me to stop the constant torture on my sides. It doesn't work. I try kicking the intruder, but that doesn't work either. Finally, I fake pain in my hand and I mentally celebrate when the tickling stops.

"Oh My God? Are you okay? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you!" I look in the face of JJ before getting up from the bed, still grimacing in fake pain. Once I get to the door out of my room, JJ still behind me, I start sprinting from the room and down the stairs, trying to find one of the guys somewhere so they could help me. I heard JJ's heavy footsteps behind me so i knew I needed to hurry. I looked in every open room, still not slowing down, maybe even speeding up to keep awaay from the torturer following behind me closely. I look into a room, Vikk's room, and immediately go into and lock the door.

I hear a slight banging on the door and a muffled voice. "I will get you Cassie Minter. You can't hide forever, little girl." I scream and go hide into a corner until I hear his footsteps fade away. I look around the room, not seeing Vikk anywhere, I look and see his YouTube plaques on the wall and some posters. I see an editing app up on his computer, and a current MineCraft video being edited. I snap my head when I hear a slight jingle from the door. The doorknob trys to turn but then I remember I locked it, I get up from my sitting postition and head over to the door. I try to look between the wooden peice and the floor to see any shes but the carpet is too large to see anything outside of the room.

"Come on open the door!" I hear a voice shout from the outside. I recognize it as Vikk so I immediately open the door. I smile sheepishly at his annoyed face and go to step out of the room. Vikk puts a hand on my shoulder and says, "I know what's up." I try to keep my face straight but when I feel the panic start to arrise I just shrug and walk off, making his hand fall off.

When I get a safe distance away I begin to stumble over the possiblilities of what he couldv'e meant by that comment. He couldv'e meant he knew what JJ was doing, or he could be talking about Josh and I's relationship. Before I couldn't think anymore, and having my thoughts jumbling all up, I put it to the back of my mind and go get ready for dinner, which should be coming up soon.


Sorry if this is short, I'm writing on my computer and usually I can tell how long it is on my phone but this is harder. So anyways! Chapter 8!!!!! Yay!

I am watching Arrow right now.. on Netflix, and I am on episode 3 of season 1. And it is good, just to le you know. I can't wait for the romance shtuff, love it. lol

Remember to comment what you like...Dislike.... Love the feedback on my stories!

Keep voting and commenting, absolutely love the support for this story!

If you have noticed, I made Adleiade Kane-Cassie Minter. If you think anyone would be able to play a better Cassie then let me know ine the comments!

Adelaide Kane-Awesome, Australian, really pretty, Plays in The Purge, Reign, and Teen Wolf(sorta), and she is really just plain awesome.., okay? Yeah.

Thanks! And as always!


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