Chapter 19

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"Bye big brother, see you soon hopefully." I said, giving Simon a bear hug, and receiving one back.

"See ya little sister, and I hope so too. Love you." He replied, hugging me tightly once more before pulling away.

"Love you too." I said, blowing a kiss and him responding.

That was our thing when we were littler. Instead of kissing or.. We, nevermind that sounds weird. Instead of doing what regular siblings did when they said goodbye, we just blew kisses. I remember it started when he was off to his first day of middle school and I was going into 5th grade. He was super nervous..(A/N: using US school system because.. 'MURICA lol) and I tried calming him down, telling him I would be going right after him and then we would be together again. Of course, we stayed together until the last minute when he had to get on the bus, and tried to stay together longer but the bus kept honking. Once he got onto the bus, he found an empty seat and immediately scooted over to the window to wave to me while he drove away. At the last minute, before the bus went around a corner and I wouldn't see it again until he came home, I saw him blow me a kiss and ever since then, whenever we said goodbye to each other, would blow each other kisses.

It may sound weird, but it's our strange way of affection and loving, and since we were best friends when we younger, and none of that sibling rivalry crap, we've barely ever fought or stopped talking to each other for longer than two days.

I smiled to myself, remembering the reason we always do that, before grabbing my stuff from the trunk while Simon got into the drivers seat and I walked inside my clean house. I turned the light on inside and went to go put my clothes away that were stuffed inside my overnight bag. I looked at the watch hooked to my wrist, seeing the numbers, 12:35, I mentally cursed before getting all my crap done and placed back where it was supposed to be, set my alarm, because I know going to sleep this late, I won't be a able to wake up in time to hang out with Tobi. I put some warm, fuzzy pj's and slipped underneath my giraffe covers on my Queen sized Memory foam bed.


"I wrote... A goodbye note

With lipstick on your arm

When you passed out."

I heard the lyrics of Bang The Doldrums coming softly out if my IPhone speaker. I pressed snooze before falling back to sleep.

I was having an awesome dream, where my enemy.(A/N: And I didn't make this up... I really did have this dream last night, but she doesn't know that I absolutely despise her because she's a bitch.) and I were fighting in a class, before the teacher told us to break it up, so we did. Then in the hallways we resumed fighting and she punched, and you know what they say... "It takes two to make a fight." So I just backed away, running to the office before any red marks or anything that had shown up when she punched me, went away.

So long story short, she got expelled because of the punch, the things she was saying to me, and yeah. I got 1 detention for the things I said to her. In so glad I controlled my anger and went to the office.


I heard my alarm go off again, sounding a different tune this time, before sliding the lock screen and checking messages.

Tobi: hey! Is 10 all right? I'll pick you up about 9:30 and we can go get breakfast and do something. Then I'll pick Harry up and we can see a movie?

Josh: hey sweets. Just wanted to make sure you got home okay and you had a food sleep.

Ethan: hey, wanna grab some dinner tonight? Haven't seen you forever.


I replied to them all,

To Tobi: Yepp! That's sounds awesome

To Josh: Hey! Yepp, had a great sleep and got home alright, you?

To Ethan: of course bestie! What time?


I looked at my clock, seeing I had just enough time to take a shower and get ready before Tobi came to pick me up.

I hopped into the warm water that was shooting out through the nossle, and scrubbed my body down, shaving where needed, and massaging my head. I stepped out, drying myself off, before putting undergarments on. Then I went and searched for something to wear. I decided that, since I was jut going out with Tobi, I would wear the normal, jeans and a band shirt. I grabbed my Black Market-Rise against shirt that I bought from Hot Topic, and a pair of light skinny jeans with a few holes.

I let my hair air dry, before putting a minimal amount of make-up on, and applying lotion on my body.

I finished getting ready, and seein that I had 39 minutes for Tobi to come, I went and cooked myself a delicious breakfast and cleaned the house a little more.


"Hey! What up?" I heard Tobi say as I opened the door to my house. I grabbed everything I needed, before heading out and jumping into the front seat of Tobi's awesome car. It was a shiny red Ferrari and he had the roof down 99.99% of the time, that .01% was when it rained or snowed.

"Where are we gonna eat breakfast?" I asked quickly, before he drove off at top speeds down the roads.

"Craker Barrel.... That okay?" He asked, looking over to me, not yet pushing the gas pedal. I hesitating ly nodded, knowing he'll automatically press the has and we'd be off, leaving my hair in a mess of tangles and lost hairs in my mouth. I made sure to plug my seatbelt in, before letting the wind and rush take over me and listening to the music Tobi had playing over the wind. I managed to say some of the lyrics, but it wasnt the type of music I listened to, so I didn't know it as well.


Okay, so chapter 19, and the next chapter will be with her hanging out with Tobi and Harry. And I might get to the part where she goes with Ethan, I might not so, expect the next chapter Thursday! Yay! Lol..... There were many incidents in this chapter where I know over in other. Ountries.. Like Great Britain, they use other words for some things than us. Like school, and all of that other stuff, so yeah.

Comment what you didn't like, what you DID like! And remember to check out my other Sidemen FanFic----- With You (Ultimate Sidemen FanFic) .

I want to give a quick thank you for the 1k and if you follow me on Instagram-- @hail_the_youngblood -- then you would've seen my beautiful happiness for it, lol. I know I was at 987 at some point, so it's only a 20 view difference, but I just... It's different. You may get super excited for 999, but then you feels out for 1k... Because they don't use 1,000 or some thing but yeah.

Thanks! And As Always!


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