Chapter 18

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I looked down at my phone, which was blaring my Fall Out Boy ringtone, to see a new text message from Tobi.


Tobi: How are you? How'd the stitches go?

Me: good! They went great, got them all out and cleaned! Didn't hurt a bit!

Tobi: that's good. We should hang out tomorrow, got nothing planned. Maybe some lunch and walking around some shops?

Me: yeah, that sounds awesome! Just text me tomorrow when you're gonna pick me up.

Tobi: okay! Bye bye

Me: bye!


"Are you even listening Cass?" I looked up at the annoyed voice of Simon. We were supposed to be start recording a Q and A video that he would put up on his channel tomorrow.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry, I'll put my phone away so we can get started." I turned my ringer off before putting it my pocket and continued listening to Simon explain how this worked.


"What's up guys and welcome to another Q and A with my sister," he gestures to me as I smile and wave, "Cassie!"

We continue along with some random question like, what is your favorite number of the alphabet. Some were asking about the Sidemen and their plans like when they were doing another "football." (A/n: as you people who don't live in the US call it.) video.

"Bye!" We both shouted at the camera, waving over dramatically. He shut the camera off, and I stood up from my chair. I checked the time and saw it was 7:30 and I got here at 5:00. I have to go say hi to the rest of the guys here before I leave tonight. Simon walked with me down the stairs and I peeled into Vikk's room and he wasn't in there. I figured he was in the living room with Josh and JJ.

"Hey hey hey!" I shouted, waking into the room where everyone was at, pretending to have a bag on my arm, high heels on, and a tight dress.

"I'm home from the office honey." I called out, walking over and sitting next to Josh. I pecked him on the cheek before looking at JJ and Vikk. They were trying so hard not to laugh, I saw Josh doing the same out of the corner of my eye. Before long, we were all laughing so hard tears coming out of all of our eyes. By the time Simon came back in, we all had tears streaming down our faces but our laughing had calmed down. Simon just shook his head and sat down on a chair, sighing loudly.


My breath got knocked out of me, my back slamming against the wall, but I ignored it and kept fighting back. I tried to keep dominance over the boy in front of me, but having to catch my breath was slowing me down, but this was to Josh's advantage. He smirked and kissed me back harder than before, heating things up quickly, quicker than I thought possible. With my back against the wall, my legs around his waist, he pushed my back straight onto the wall, his chest flat against mine. I hugged him closer than before, and kissed back with the same urgency that was going through me. The same energy pulsing through the both of us.

Before I knew it, I was laying flat on the comfy bed that I had my first "romantic" encounter with Josh on almost 4 months ago. He was on top of me, our lips still glued to each other, legs tangling into one. I slipped his shirt off, feeling the skin on my light shirt. We continued like this until I was in my under-garments and him, his boxers. We were both breathing heavily, laying underneath his covers. I kept telling myself I had to go home but my tired body was pushing the thought away until my eyes shut completely.


"Hey." I felt hands shaking me lightly, before I opened my eyes and looked at the person. The windows were pitch black, meaning it was night, and that I needed to go home. I wasn't as tired now so I got out of bed and out my clothes back on, looking at Josh who was the one shaking me.

"Yes?" I asked, getting closer to him and seeing He was already dressed.

"Oh! I just woke you up because I knew you wanted to get home tonight and might have plans tomorrow." He said shyly, darting his eyes everywhere.

"Josh.... I know you're lying." I said, touching his face making him look at me instantly.

"Okay, okay. Simon came in to ask me a question and then got really mad at me and asked... No. Demanded me to wake you up and make you go home."

I barely heard what he said with the way he rushed it out like he wasn't supposed to be telling me, but I heard enough of it.

"Okay. Well let's go, I've got to get back home." I exclaimed, grabbing some stuff from the room that were mine, before heading for the door.

"He told me to stay in here and he will drive you home." I turn around in surprise before responding.

"Seriously? Well.. All right. I guess I'll see you soon, call me whenever."

I walked out of the room, pissed at Simon, but also understanding. I guess this is my first real boyfriend and he is just trying to protect me, since he is older and 'wiser.' As he puts it sometimes. I grabbed all my stuff by the door and rushed out to Simon's vehicle, throwing my stuff in the back and climbing into the front seat. Since Simon didn't say hi, I didn't say anything back, and mostly all the car ride was terribly silent until his first words were spoken.

"You know I'm just trying to protect you." He just kept looking at the road after he said that, not looking at me even slightly.

"I know Simon. I know." I replied, and then car ride went silent again.


Chapter 19 isa herea. Lol, I was going to write more but it's late and I didn't want it to be TOO long. Tell me of this is shorter than my other chapters because I'm on my phone and it's harder to tell then when I'm on the computer.

Eww. Tomorrow is Monday and it's my official 2nd week of school. 😩 yay for me:/

Comment what you like, didn't like, want me to add into the next chapter, or need fixing up:) thanks, and stay out for the next chapter tomorrow night!

I might start uploading this every other day, than my Harry FanFic ever other day. You know, like...

Monday: One more time

Tuesday: with you

Wednesday: one more time

Thursday: with you...

And so on, so comment some feedback on this idea or if you want me to upload both every single day:)

Thanks! And as always!


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