Chapter 14

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"Oh..o-Okay." He sputtered nervously.

"IlikeyouandIknowyouredatongJoshbutstill." He ushered out, incredibly fast. I'm sure the confusion that was in my head, was showing on my face. I looked at Harry to see him looking at the ground, the red on his cheeks visible now.

"Harry. Could you say that again?" He looked up at me, surprised at my request before turning around and trying to walk away. Before he could get back inside I grabbed his arm and turned him around to gave me again, gently.

"Harry. I know that you like me. I heard you that night in the kitchen." I said, blushing slightly, but still remembering I have a boyfriend.

"So! You've been making me wait all this time! Nervous as hell, about telling you! AND YOU KNEW!" He was practically yelling by the end of his sentence. I was flinching away from his loud voice, it reminded me of before I had my own house to live in.

"I'm sorry. I just didn't..... I didn't want to make it awkward or make us not friends anymore." I said, still looking at the ground, rocking back and forth on my feet.

"So.... You're telling me you don't like me back?" He said, I could hear his voice crack a little on his words,

"What do you expect me to say!" I said, finally looking back into his eyes, throwing my hands in the air.

"I have a boyfriend for crying out loud! And even If I did like you back, which I don't, I wouldn't do anything to ruin Josh and I's relationship together. Whether it is romantic, or friends!" I said, a few tears coming out of my eyes. I was still looking into his eyes, seeing the hurt playing on his face. He started to turn around and walk to the from door again before I grab his arm again and turned him around, yet again.

I pulled him towards me, hugged him tightly, feeling his arms go around me as well and squeeze. I smiled to myself, at least he doesn't hate me too much.

"Can we still be friends?" I ask him, hope lacing my voice. I pulled back and looked, searching his face for a hint on what his answer would be. He seemed to be thinking, until he finally decided, his face was blank giving me no clue on his answer yet. But once he decided, it was clear, the sad look on his face gave everything away. I began to tear up as he opened his mouth to say something.

"I don't think that would be a-" he never got to finish his sentence before I was running away from him.

From the times I had constantly stopped him from going inside, I gues we had grown close to the door, which only about two steps away from me. I reached it quickly, leaving Harry behind by himself. I went up to Josh's room and sat on his bed, grabbing his attention before talking.


"And then he said he didn't want to be friends anymore." I was explaining to Josh the events that had just happened outside with Harry.

"Hey..," he said, hugging me. The tears were coming out, and Josh's touch comforted me, "you guys are best friends. You can't stay away for forever." He exclaimed, finishing his sentence. He always knew what to say to make me feel better. I leaned into his hug even more.

"Hey. The guys are going out to dinner and you can come if you want!" I thought it over and kissed him before answering.

"I--" a knock on Josh's door rang through the room. Since no one came in, Josh called for them to come in. No one opened the door so I looked questioning ly to Josh before going to over to open the door. I looked out into the hallway, seeing no one, I thought maybe it was a prank. Before I could close the door, I saw a white sheet of paper folded up with obvious writing in it. I picked it up and went to Josh's bed so he could also read the note.



Meet me on the bench out back at 9pm tonight. I have something to tell you.

-Harry <3 "


I send my shocked expression to Josh, who looked mad. I shrugged, folded to paper back up, put it in my back pocket and got up off the comfy bed.

"Wanna go downstairs so we can go out to eat?" I ask him, his expression was stiff and he avoided my eyes.

"Are you going to go?" He questioned me. The confusion striking up in my brain.

"Wait.. I just told you I was going to, I asked of we wanted to go downstairs, so we COULD go." I asked, still confused on his question he asked me. His eyes were still avoiding min, and his stone-hard expression still evident on his face.

"I mean tonight. With Harry?" He asked. My facial expression immediately turns from confused to a 'that's-what-he-meant!' Kind of look. A slight, "ohhhh." Escaping without my consent also happened.

"Of course. But I don't know what he's gonna tell me," I walk over, closer to Josh who was still sitting on his bed. I kissed him on the lips for a few precious seconds, before continuing what I was saying, "but you can come. After all, you are my boyfriend and anything he says to me, he can say to to as well." Josh's face lightened up, and I met his sparkling eyes for the first time in a couple minutes. He grabbed my arm and gently pulled me towards him, eventually making my lips hot his for a sweet, short, but still passionate kiss. I smiled when we pulled away and Josh got up, turned around, bowed and held his hand out to me formally. I giggled before placing my hand in his and we walked out of the room and down the stairs like a royal couple.

Once we got down, we broke into laughter because of the weird looks the Sidemen were giving us.

It made me wander where Harry was, and what he had to talk to me tonight about. What big did he have to tell me? Isn't he the one that said we shouldn't be friends anymore, why is he doing this?


Yay! Chapter 15! I want to thank you for 600+ views! I never, honestly, thought Id get this far and all of you are too blame for this. Thank you!

Sorry if you wanted to ship her with Harry! I'll be writing another story with Harry as the one** lol, and that reminds me, if you want! You can comment on here, or DM and you can help me make a character! That would help a lot and Id upload the first chapter around the time this gets 900 views! Yay, okay!

Comment what you like, dislike, love, think is okay or what needs work!

Thank you for all the feedback Ive been getting, it's absolutely lovely! And for all the people who comment on all the chapter---- you know who you are😏😝😄😉---- and yeah!

Thanks! And as always!


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