New Year's Special

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First of all, Happy New Years/New Years Eve! I decided it would be cool to do a short, little cute chapter!

I might do more of these on the holidays, because I don't want to ever be done with this book! It was super fun to write and really successful! So anyways! Here ya go!


"Does everyone have their stuff?" Simon yelled through the house. It was about two in the morning, our flight was at four, and we were getting on a plane to New York City.

"Shhh, Simon, Adelaide is sleeping in her crib. If you wake her up you are watching her until we leave." I whisper yell back, checking all of my stuff in my suitcase and checking off things from my list.

"Sorry Cas."

After checking the list and determining I had everything on the list, I brought all my bags downstairs and set them by the other pile of suitcases by the door. Josh was downstairs with Tobi and Ethan getting everything else we needed. Everyone needs to leave by two thirty if we want to get to the airport in time and not be late, but Josh and I have to leave in about five minutes to drop Adelaide off at Josh's parents house. We didn't want to take her to New York with us since she was so young still. Josh's parents agreed to us dropping her off there, before we even finished. They told me that they were just so proud Josh got married to a nice girl and had a beautiful baby girl, and that they would watch her and any future children we had, anytime.

"Ready to go Josh?" I ask, putting my things in the car while he had Adelaide in his hands. It still amazed me how calm and gentle he was with her, it made me so happy.

"Yep." He replied, strapping Adelaide in her car seat as I was getting his bags and stacking them up in the trunk. We had bought bigger car after we had gotten everything settled, and I think it has made everything easier. We could bring bigger furniture using the car, we could hold more people, a car seat that wasn't squished. So, Josh in the driver side, me in the passenger, and Adelaide in the back seat. Josh took off, towards his parents house which wasn't far from here but we wanted time to talk, not just drop Adelaide off and leave.

I turned some random music on from my phone and No Bravery by James Blunt.

"What is this?" Josh asked me, a weird look on his face. The beginning of this song was weird, but it got good.

"Just listen you little twerp."

I started singing along, and let me say, James' voice isn't the best, but this song and couple of his others are pretty good. I could see Josh's twisting with different emotions, I was always the one to show him new songs that I had found. Sometimes he though they were good, sometimes he thought they were terrible. I don't know what he was going to saw about this one.

"I like it."

"That's good."

We were at his parents house. I got out and unstrapped Adelaide, she was still asleep, so I held her as carefully as I could. Josh was already at the door knocking, so I went up and stood next to him. The door opened and we were hustled in with wrinkly arms.

"Josh, Cassie, and Adelaide!" Josh's mom stated happily, wrapping all of us into a friendly hug, "How have all of you been?"

"Good mom, now is there any room we can lay Adelaide down in so she doesn't wake up?"

Then his mom, Zoe, led us to a room set up with a crib and some other things that Adelaide's room had as well. I laid her down, setting her head down on the pillow gently. I then turned and wrapped Zoe in a hug.

"Now! How have you and Ben been?"

"Awesome! Just some old folk enjoying our lives together. You and my Joshie will get it when you get older."

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