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I slip into the beautiful wedding dress that I had ordered about two months ago. I felt it's silky under-skirt glide across my legs as I slide the lace chest piece over my head and stick my arms into the holes. Seana, who will be attending as JJ's girlfriend and my maid of honor, zips the the back up so that it is nice and tight, but still giving my room to breath. I look down at the dress that I had tried on, just before ordering it and loving it. To me, this dress and I had a love-at-first-sight relationship. It had a silky white, plain, dress with a deep sweetheart neckline (I think that's what it's called. I'm not good with dresses, lol) and it reached the floor. Then, placed over top of the original fabric was the beautiful lace pattern I enjoyed. It gave the dress some sleeves, making me feel a little more comfortable in it, and was heavily patterned at the top. When it reached my hips, the pattern died out a little bit, but it was still there, giving it medium-sixed designs placed around each other spacily. This layer whent about two inches lower than the plain material underneath it but grew longer towards the back like a traditional wedding dress.

I slid my feet into some short heels, not short enough to be granny shoes but nt tall enough to trip and break my ankle. They were all white with a sparkly lace pattern just on the heel. When I stod in them, they made me feel so much taller, like I could rule the world, even though I was only three or four inches taller. The shoes fit perfectly, not sliding around or threatening to give me sores on my already scarred-up feet. I felt like Cinderella, you know? If the shoe fits!

Next, I had Seana and two more girls who were going to be my bridesmaids named Lucy and Lindsey. Seana was my bestfriend ever since she started hanging out with the Sidemen more since we were the only two girls and we needed some girl talk sometimes. Lindsey had become another good friend, having a son about the same age as Adelaide, they played together alot as her and I talked and gossiped like teenagers. Lastly, Lucy. She was a friend from high school that I had been really good friends with. We seldom talked since we went our own different pathes after graduating. But, after Josh was in the coma, I found myself looking to see if she was online when I was, and if she was, we would have long conversations about what was going on in our lives. We had gotten close again, seeing each other a couple times a month, but texting always. These three girls are the only girls' I have in my life other than Adelaide, who was now two and a half.... or as mothers do it now, 30 months.

Seana came over to me, makeup bag in one hand, her phone in the other. She smiled warmly, before settling everything she needed on the table in front of her. She then turned me away, making sure I couldn't see in the mirror, before heading straight to town on my face while Lucy and Lindsey picked up everything they would need to do my hair. I checked my watch, which would be coming off before the wedding and replaced with a strickingly white, pearl bracelet.

I stood still in the chair for what seemed like hours, basking in my own nervousness, making me feel like I was having light cramps all over, coming in waves. Seana cheered and ran backwards to look at my whle face. She admired it, I could see her emotions laying out upon her face. First and foremost, happiness. All her emotions clicked into one, but another, smaller emotion appeared on her face for about half a second. Fast enough to be missed if you blink. Jealousy. I must look good if Seana was Jealous.

"Is it okay?"

She stared at me blankly, before nodding aimlessly, almost fast enough to hurt her neck if she continued. Then, as if stepping out of her trance, she anwswered my question, just as Lucy and Lindsey walked up behind her.

"Are you fucking kidding me? You look amazing! I wish I could look like you right now!"

My cheeks went red, I could feel it, but as I looked in the mirror, I noticed you couldn't tell because Seana put bluch on my cheeks anyways. But I had to admit, I went breathless at how pretty my face was, and that was coming form me! Who didn't like my face everyday...

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