Chapter 34

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"Hey guys! Zerkaa back playing some GTA, haven't played in about two years so might be shit but stay with me!"

And with that, the video returns to him and the Sidemen playing a race on GTA, all of the boys' introducing Josh back into the group, I can't imagine the number of comments and views this would get. Josh was letting me watch the video before he put it out, making sure he did all the editing correct and it was all good. I finished the video, laughing like a maniac at the conversation they had ended the video with. I gave the computer back to Josh, giving him a big thumbs up and saying it was perfect before pressing my lips softly to his and grabbing Adelaide who was abut to run out of the room. I tickled her stomach a bit, causing a cute little giggle to bubble out of her.

I noticed Josh wasn't looking at his computer, but as us. He had a smile on his face, his ees shining brightly, and a slight pink tint on his face.

"Shouldn't you be working on your video mister? I know people will love it, now get to it. I'm going to go feed Adelaide."

I walk down the stairs. I was back in the Sidemen house now that Adelaide was old enough to not have to be sleeping all day. Josh had come back from the hospital about a week ago (Week ago, week ago.... Sorry, couldn't resist the temptation) and had started playing video games again just two days ago. He has to go back to the hospital tomorrow, so I'm going to drive him and have Tobi watch Adelaide. He'll have to go back every month after this though, for about a year. They just have to make sure he is all okay and won't just go into an unexpected coma again. That time they are almost positive he won't wake up.

I strap Adelaide in her high chair and grab some cheerios and a sippy cup with milk in it. I had them all to her, sitting on a chair next to her on my phone, just to make sure that if she chokes I'll be able to hear it and help her.

I scroll through twitter, all of the asking where Josh was has died done, I was only getting one or two at the most a day. Won't today be a big surprise for them! I might as well get my fare of Twitter now and turn it off for about a week! I next check my Instagram where I answer most of the questions that are commented on my picture. I hadn't dared to post any picture of Josh over the time he was gone, that would bring another string of emotional questions being asked. I tried to avoid that at all costs.

The next thing I know, I get a update on my Twitter.


MY RETURN | GTA 5 Funny Moments | E336 (GTA V Online) via @YouTube

I smile, before going back to Instagram. I'll check his comments in a minute, I'll let the fans have time to process and comment on the video and Twitter. He better turn Twitter off for while. I'll bet some people will ask about his black eye as well. This is what had gone down when Josh first arrived back in this house.

Everyone crowds around the door.

Everyone: Josh!!!!

Josh: Hey!

Everyone is so happy and about ten minutes passes.

Simon: So.... Adelaide huh?

Josh: Go ahead. Do it.

Simon punches Josh in the face, before immediately apologizing, yet Josh was telling him it was fine and that he deserved it.


That was how Josh got a black eye.


Josh and I were going out to eat tonight at this fancy restaurant and Simon was going to watch Adelaide for us. I don't remember what the place was called but it was some french thing and I was tol to "dress nicely". So I pick out a white that was tight on the top and poofed out on the bottom and reached down to the middle of my thighs. It had an black lace pattern covering it, and a smooth black belt around my waist. I picked out my black heels that had lace on the heel part before going off to do my makeup and hair.

I decided to curl the ends and put my hair into a ponytail, then some small diamond earrings, light makeup, switching my nose piercing from a ring, to a small circle diamond, and sticking stray hairs to my head using some hairspray. I admired myself in the full-length mirror before deciding I was okay to go and went to go find Josh.

Josh had a black and white tux on, almost matching my dress, making me smile with delight and kissing him on the cheek and walking down the stairs.

"If you do anything to Adelaide, I'm going to do something to you that you won't like. Let's just be saying you won't have any Mini Simons' running around this place," I exclaim to my brother. His eyes go wide and he pauses, like a deer caught in headlights. He saluted me and I heard Josh chuckling while putting his arm through mine.

"Come on Cassie. Our reservations are at 6:30."

I check my watch, seeing it was 6:15, and rushing out of the door with Josh.

I had to drive since Josh was still at risk and it scared the ,iving shit out of me but I had to get it over with. I had to drive him tomorrow to the hospital anyways, better get it over with now than tomorrow. I shakily put the key in the ignition and turned it, roaring the car to life, and carefully pulling out of the driveway, watching for cars everywhere, even when there wasn't a road.

We finally arrive at the restaurant at 6:35, just five minutes late, before they settle us down and we order our expensive, unpronounceable named food. I also ordered a root beer (I mean? Who can pass a root beer up?) and talk to Josh while waiting for our food. We were talking about Adelaide and how she was when he was gone. We talked about how all the fans' were while he was gone, how I was after he was gone, and how all of the other guys' were. It seemed like we were only talking for five minutes before our steaming plates came out with some delicious looking foods.

I quickly gobbled up whatever I had ordered, since I did a little Ennie Meenie Mine Mo with all the choices and just came down to one. I looked to see Josh fiddling nervously with his food, eyeing the kitchen.

"What's wrong?"

He snaps his head up, looking at me with brightly colored cheeks and just saying nothing and eating his food normally. The next thing I know a cup of champagne is placed in front of me, I look up but the waiter is already gone. Josh is looking at me lovingly and I wonder what all is happening right now. Here comes the part where Josh gets out of his chair, fumbles around for awhile with something in his pocket, before bringing it out and it is a small black box, a soft black felt covering the box. He opens it slowly to reveal a beautiful ring, more beautiful than anything I had ever seen before.

"Cassie, will you do me the honors of marrying me and becoming my wife?"

I stand there, unmoving, the look on his face goes sad and I could tell he was giving up hope.

"Yes! What did you think I was going to say?"

He jumps up and spins me around, just like on Adelaide's birthday, but this time there were people cheering all around us, whooping and hollering, wine glasses being struck together. I smiled, happier than I had ever been in my life, and also just a smudge dizzy from all this twirling. I kissed Josh, making him stop the twirling, and dank my champagne happily.

Once the cheering had stopped, Josh and I sit back down and stare at each other for a very long time, before a waiter comes up, announcing our meal is free and that we can leave. He also mentioned that all the staff were very happy and wanted to congratulate us. I thank all of them and every one in the restaurant still before leaving out the door with Josh. The ring was placed on my finger perfectly, shining brightly, almost not that visible due to my paleness.



ALSO! this will be the second to LAST chapter! The next chapter will be the Epilogue and yeah! I might occasionally write a short chapter here and there and upload it just because but yeah!!!!

Cassie Zerka (Isn't his last name Bradley?)

Comment all your lovely opinions on this story and vote if you liked this story!!!

The Epilogue will be up tomorrow or Thursday night! I'm going to try and make it really long but we'll see!

And Cassie's dress is the picture on this side (on computer) and the top (on phone) :)

Thanks! And As always.......


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