Chapter 6

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To say the least, Josh and I were now in a relationship but keeping it private until my hand was healed, giving us time to get used to a relationship. We had talked for about 30 minutes, until people started wondering where We were and they started coming up the stairs.


"I know we haven't been friends long, but we've known each other for as long as the Sidemen have been together. I have grown to like you over this period of time I have known you and I hope you feel the same?" Josh said, avoiding my eyes and blushing slightly.

I went over and hugged him, whispering in his ear how I felt.

"Yes. Of course I feel the same, Josh." I pulled back and looked in his eyes. He opened his mouth to say something and I just nodded my head before he could get it out.

"Okay... Now that that is over, we should keep it a secret for the time-being." I look him over, while agreeing to his proposition.

"Yay! My first boyfriend!" I say quietly, not wanting the others to hear. He just laughed before walking out of the room but not without a quick hug.


"What's for Lunch guys?" I heard a voice shout through the house. It was about 3 hours after Josh and I got together and I was the happiest I had been in forever. Some of the guys were questioning it but none of them said anything, I guess they were enjoying while they can.

"PIZZA!" Another person yelled somewhere on the house.

"PIZZA SOUNDS AWESOME." I yelled from the Ping pong room.

"OKAY!" I heard in response. I guess were getting Pizza. Mmmhhh.

I heard someone come in and I shifted me eyes from my phone to the person. I saw Josh and I smiled instantly, which caused him to smile back. He came over and sat next to me and wrapped a arm around my shoulder. I leaned over and laid my head on his shoulder, still smiling like an idiot.

"The guys are all watching tv, so we are safe until the pizza comes." I nod my head and lift my head to peck Josh's lips.

It turned into more of a makeout session than a peck. Our lips started moving in sync, molding together, and-

"DING DONG" We pulled apart when the door bel went off and got up to make it look like we were playing table tennis.

"Hey, Josh. Could you help me carry the pizzas?," Tobi said from the doorway, "and why are you playing Table Tennis Cassie. Aren't you supposed to be playing it easy for the next couple weeks?" He asks.

'Crap! I forgot about that.' I think to myself before responding to his question.

"Oops." I say before shrugging shyly.

I get up to get some pizza and watch tv with the rest of the guys. Ethan was coming over in about an hour and we were going to go out and get dinner with him. The whole Sidemen +1.

I grab two pieces of cheese pizza and sit down on the couch. I set my plate and grabbed a drink. This hand is annoying, I can't text as fast, I can't carry two things at once, I can't play Xbox. It's really frustrating.

I look at the tv when I get all settled in and see that they had a football match on, two teams that I didn't know playing against each other.

I looked when I heard my name being called from the doorway. Simon stood there, gesturing with his hand for me to come over.

I walked over and my brother led me to the kitchen, alone.

"Is there something you aren't telling me? I noticed you were even happier then ever all today?"

'Oh crap. Someone confronted me, what do I say?' I think to myself, completely zoning out before turning my attention back to Simon.

"Um.... Well..," come on brain! Think of something! Err, "I...


Yay! Chapter 6....? Yeah, probably.

If you saw my authors note then no. I'm joking, it said that it deleted this but as soon as I uploaded my authors note it came back. So, if you see no authors note then It means I took it down. Thanks!

I live in America(AMERICAAAA, lol) but I decided to make it more realistic by calling Soccer, "Football"... You weirdos and your weird names for things....

Lol, jk. It's probably us with the weird names for things. 😂

Wow! So I want to thank you for 120 reads, 24..? Votes, and 14 comments! Thank you so much! Never thought I'd get that much in such little time!!

Remember to comment what you like, dislike, etc.

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Thanks! And as always!


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