Chapter 24

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"Aw Cassie!" I looked at him confused as he came in and hugged me. He wrapped his arms around me, leaning in close. I backed away, not knowing who he was. I pushed my head further, putting his warm lips up to my ear and whispering a few important words. "Cassie, you're in a lot of danger, we need to talk."

That is what happened abut fifteen minutes ago, and the talk had never happened because of three reasons.

1. Josh coughed, spliting us apart, cutting off the guy's sentence.

2. That guy, I figured out after taking a look at him, was the man who killed my mother.

3. That man who killed my mother was my father.

So yeah. Basically I took Josh out of the room, explaining the whole thing and who the man was. I thanked him for being a jealous boyfriend and seperating the hold he had on me, scared of what he was capable of and we he was out of jail. After checking the court papers, he still had four more months to be in the cell where the nasty bastard belonged, yet here he was roaming the streets, possibly going to kill anyone that passed him on the streets. After my five-minute talk with Josh quietly in my bedroom, he stalked downstairs. I saw him walk straight up to my father, punching him in the nose, causing it to start bleeding, and telling my dad calmly to get out of the house and leave us alone forever. I looked at the spot my father, if he even deserved that name right now, I mean could I still call him my dad after he killed my mother in front of me and sexually harassed me not once, not twice, but three times? That is the thing I hadn't told anybody, not even Simon who was in the house when it happened but wasn't in the room when the older man pulled out a gun and without a second thought, shot his wife in the forehead, having perfect aim. So Simon didn't have to go through the years of therapy, years of lonliness, and years of staying the crowd, not drawing attention to myself in any way. I mean, Simon was still affected pretty baly as well, but he tried to act normal in a crowd still keeping the bright, but now fake and forced smile on his face, making every one else around him laugh and brighten up. Of course, when he was alone, or we were alone, we would just break down. That happened when I was 16 1/2, and Simon was turning 18 in about a month, so the authorities let us stay alone, just until he turned 18, then we would have to start paying for the house and everything else the government was paying until that time.

I walked up to Simon, he had a very confused look on his face, holding the court documents in his hand, I bet it was the same look I had on my face about 10 minutes ago. I could see his happy facade break-down, the tears glistening in his eyes, the event just reminding us of our mother and bringing us back to the day and how we had acting for a year or two after it happened. We knew this had to have happened sooner or later, since he had to get ut of jail some time and we knew he would come for us, in one way or another, but we hadn't expected that to happen for at least another 4 months. I could tell all the Sidemen could tell that we needed time alone, as siblings that needed each others' comfort and that only each other knew what what and how it was to witness the event and be there when our very own father turned phys-co and stabbing my mother in the back (not literally). The thing that confused most people about the murder, is that my parents had been the type of couples who loved their children truly and would do anything for them (well that;s what they thought. They didn't know about the countless times my dad had *cue shiver* done things to me.) They were also the married couple everyone wanted to be, no fighting, loving each other , having the "perfect" family and having no troubles finical aly. It made no sense.

-------------4 hours later------------------

"Hey is everything okay in here"

I looked up at the sound of Josh in the kitchen opening.I nodded at him, smiling slightly. Simon and I had had our sibling mouring time, and we were fine now, just staying in the kitchen to cuddle up and get control of ourselves and wonder why our dad was here and why I was in danger, or if he used that as an excuse to get in the house.

"Well, we were going to order dinner, what would you like?"

I checked my watch, seeing it was 6:30, so I looked over to Simon, silently asking the question Josh had just asked.

"Ummm... Chinese?" Simon commented hesitatingly, not even bother to build his walls back up. His face was dark, his voice weak, and looking exhausted. I nodded, looking back over to Josh, who had grabbed the Chinese menu, a pen and paper, and his phone, asking us what we wanted so that he could write it down. I told him, and Simon told him he wanted the same thing as me. Josh walked out, going to ask everyone else what they wanted.

About 30 minutes later, I heard a knock on the door and I got up, meeting JJ at the door. He said hi and asked how we were doing.

'Fine. A little shaken up but other than that, we have recovered and we'll try not to be such party-poopers tomorrow!" I commented happily, though inside, I wasn't feeling like that. Well, not AS happy, my spirits were actually lifted with Chinese, but that is nothing of importance.

He payed for the food, and the Chinese delivery guy handed us both the food, I smiled at the guy and he smiled back, yay! Something happy other than food today! I laugh to myself before going to get Simon and putting some of the food on the counters.

"Hey? Wanna eat out in the living room with the rest of the guys?" I asked him, walking over t his expressionless face. He looked up, surprised to see me there, before getting up and hugging me. I hugged back tightly, not letting go until absolutely necessary. I felt him nod, before pulling away when I heard the growl of my stomach, so I grabbed my food and walked into the living rom sitting in a place next to Josh bu with an empt space next to me so Simon could sit with me.


Boom! Chapter........ 26? I have no idea right now... but I have 1164.. now 1166.. words.... So is that long enough? lol, I was close to not writing this chapter because I usually go to bed at 10:30... right now it is 10:39 and I still haven't seen the new Sidemen videos for the past two days... EEKKK!

So, comment what you thought!!!!!!!!! Yay!

lol, Thanks! And As Always!



But seriously... listen to Centuries-Fall Out Boy

Oh and guess what I'm listening to right now? I wish I could say Centuries because that would be totally #swag (not really but oh well) But I am listening to.... *DRUM ROLL*

Hit and Run~LoLo (lol. It's a good song.. so yeah)


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