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Everything comes to a end at some point. Friendships, relationships, and sometimes even family. At that point you always have to look and tell yourself that you're strong and that you can make it through this because life wouldn't throw the struggles that you can't handle your way.
Look at yourself in the mirror and say these words, "I am me. I am strong. Nothing can break me. I can get through this."
It's okay if you have to repeat this over and over until you believe it. It's completely okay. I had to do this when my grandmother and my uncle had passed away within 2 years apart from each Other. They were my Bestfriend's, my better halves but like I said before, everything comes to a end at some point. what came to the end for me was my family relationship with them. I would cry myself to sleep almost every night since their deaths but once I looked at myself in the mirror, smiled, laughed, and started to think about good memories, I became strong enough to move forward. It still creeps up on me once in a while where I would think of them and just cry my eyes out but it's not like how it was before.
It takes a while for a person to get over something that was tragic in their life. It may take a day, week, month, or even a year but it will subside and leave. The only thing that would be there if the hurt, the pain, the guilt. These will never leave you but they just won't bother you as much until you get to that point In your life where everything hits at once. When you start to think about a tragic that has happened to you. It took me a year for both deaths to fully move forward with the hurt buried deep in me.
So don't be afraid to move forward even when you feel hurt. Sometimes it's better to move forward then it is to stay where you are and hurt even more. I did it, so can you. I believe in you (whoever is reading this) and I believe you are strong.

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