Something different

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Today I went to the beach and walked it. It was something different than my normal daily activities and it was actually really relaxing. It wasn't bad because I got out the house and enjoyed myself.
The beach was full of people who was enjoying it as well due to the weather. The weather was so beautiful and we couldn't pass up the opportunity to go out to the beach. The sun was shining and the wind was cooling for the walk. The sun beaming down on you felt like a whole new feeling since it's been cloudy and cold out lately. Being able to just go to the beach and walk it, is a whole new feeling and I loved it.
The smell of the water, the wind blowing through your hair, the sun just being nice and warm, and just watching people enjoy the day the same way that I was. I wouldn't trade that for anything in the world nor would I take the opportunity to do that for granted.
You see, some people would take things for granted and it's not fair that others have to live a certain way because not everyone has that same opportunity as each other.

So take what you get and not complain about it.

Take what you get and don't brag about it.

Take what you get and share it with other people because you never know if you'll be able to have that same opportunity that you get, later in life.

And that's exactly what I did today. No, I didn't take it for granted, no I didn't brag about it, and yes I shared it with my loved one.
Going to the beach today was relaxing and I would do it all over again. Correction, I plan on doing it again because that's how much I loved it.
Some people may find me weird because I loved just walking the beach but that's okay and you want to know why? I loved it because it gave me a break of my normal activities of just cleaning up my house or working. It was something different since I never get the chance too. It allowed me to go out and have a little of me time with my boyfriend and to enjoy to the beautiful day that today was.
Today I walked the beach and it was my first time doing it.
Don't take your days for granted. Go out, be with friends, have fun, laugh, and make memories because you never know if tomorrow will come and that's exactly what I did today.

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