"Bus stop"

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Everything about it is so soothing. With the power that could blossom life on earth, I believe it could heal a soul aswell. Mend it and purify it.

Yet it makes everyone curse and destroy it's beauty.

Soaking in the rain was something I love to do. But if I take such a risk now, then I have to say goodbye to my semester exams.

This sucks.

Days were going by a little too soon for me to keep up with seasons. Today was one of those days I waited in the bus stop with an umbrella in my one hand and my books in the other.

The bus took more time than expected, but the mist created in the heavy rain helped me relax.

A boy was standing next to me from the moment I took my spot of the bus stop, waiting beside me from then while all I did was ignore.

And it was quite funny how he just simply sat on an empty chair while the elderly were standing.

After a while there were bickering about the bus having a breakdown and everyone slowly started to just leave.

Leaving just the both of us in the deserted bus stop.

I turned around to get a quick look before leaving him by himself. But when he analysed my expressions and understood that I was going to leave soon, he quickly, in a rush, as if his life was depending upon it, grabbed onto his notebook and tore a paper real quick.

By the time he took out his pen I had already opened up my umbrella and left.

I noticed Taehyung rush outside, still writing something in the paper, soaking himself in the rain but still protecting the paper using various reflexes. He couldn't write properly so he just sat himself in the side walk, continuing to write.

By then I felt guilty. He was fully drenched.

I walked back to the bus stop. Curious as ever, I took the chance to sneak into his writing first. The ink was all over the paper, making it not that clear to read.

But I could still understand. He didn't get the time to fold it into a paper plane because even before he could my umbrella was shading him. We both were under the same umbrella now.

Taehyung stopped and stared at me. He smiled. Smiled. Smiled. Smiled.

I don't know why. But I couldn't resist smiling back.

It wasn't just because I saw him drenched that I offered him the umbrella. But because of the letter he was struggling with.

I somehow wanted him to complete it. And I wanted to watch him fold it into a paper plane. I found it fascinating?

Even though I saw him rejecting umbrellas offered by eight other girls a few minutes ago. I just shrugged it off, smiling through my hair. Hoping he doesn't notice.

He's such a bad liar. The letter said,

"Chareong, I forgot my umbrella. Can we share"

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