"Fine for now"

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"It's okay

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"It's okay. Don't worry, he's fine. He lost a little blood. But he's fine for now"

Fine. For. Now.

Three words. That's all I heard. Everything else was nothing to me compared to those three words.

"He says he can walk. Would you mind taking him home, please. The doctor wants to speak with me alone"

"I'll take him, Jimin. Somebody has to" I replied, smiling while trying my best to not freak out or shed a tear.

Taehyung and I walked side to side, either of us talking. The wind was talking to me, forcing me to look at his weak figure that would get blown away if not given a support. A hand to hold on to.

"Let's sit for a while?" Taehyung nodded at my suggestion while taking a seat next to me. We both sat on a bench near the sea shore.

"Who told you I was sick? Jimin?"

I nodded.

Taehyung exhaled heavily before continuing.

"I told you I can't stay for long, didn't I?" Tae's hands rested on his lap, holding his pants tightly in order to have the courage to talk.

"I'm sorry you had to go through all this. I'm sorry that I came into your life. I'm sorry I loved--"

"No, don't ever say that. Because I'm not sorry for loving you at all" I interrupted, tearing up immediately.

"I don't want to remember my love for someone as a regret. I loved every moment of it. And I'll keep loving it even more"

"Chareong--I can-- I mean" seeing me cry left him searching for words.

His lips was sealed in search, but the words never took shape in his mouth. When things didn't go as he planned, all he was doing was looking at my hands that rested on the bench beside him. He kept wanting to hold them. But something keeps pulling him back.

In the end he mustered up the courage to hold them. But I couldn't hide a smile when all he was able to catch was my little pinky finger. In the end, he laughed at his own action, but he never let go of the finger.

He held onto them like it was always his. I looked at him for once before saying,

"Taehyung, your smile is an angel in disguise"

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