Chapter 29

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I wake up and luckily, nobody was in my cabin. I went to the bathroom and I looked terrible. My hair was tangled and messy. It normally looks messy when I wake up, but not this bad. My nose was red from wiping it after crying last night. And I had a mark on my face from where I had forgotten to take off my bracelet and I slept on it.

I put on a Camp Half-Blood T-Shirt, some black shorts, and my gray vans. Since, I had forgotten to take off my jewelry last night, I already had it on. I put my hair in a ponytail, which I rarely do. Then I finally fixed my face so my nose wasn't red and the mark was gone.

I walked to breakfast and I noticed that nobody was at the Hades table. I sat down at my table and began to eat. They all ignored me. I didn't mind though, I didn't really want to talk to anyone right now.

I guess that since I finally processed everything last night, I'm still upset. People were staring at me. When I'd notice someone staring, I'd stare back until they look away. But then I saw that my friends were staring too and I couldn't look at them. I avoided looking at Connor, Travis, Annabeth, Piper, Clarisse, and Percy. It seemed like they would stare at me and then look at each other.

I finished eating and I decided to go see if Nico wanted to train with me. I burst through the door without even thinking. But instead of finding Nico, I found Leo and Hazel instead. "I'm sorry, I was just looking for Nico. I figured you guys were still at Bunker 9." I walk out and I thought I was actually going to make it out without a fight. I was wrong. I guess I kind of deserved it because I had opened my big mouth first.

"Do you think you can just walk out? You did that yesterday! And according to Leo, you do it a lot. When are you going to stop running away?!" Hazel chased after me. "You're so selfish! I bet you didn't even care about Leo! How could you just break up with him like that?!" She shouts at me.

"You know what, Hazel?" I spin around. If she wanted a fight, that's what she'd get. "I wish you'd keep your big mouth shut for once! Ever since you got to our camp, you've ruined everything! You wiggled your way into mine and Leo's relationship. And you know nothing about me! But yet you come over here, acting like you know everything about me!" I shout back. "And if you want to talk about a relationship, talk about your's and Leo's because you have no business in mine!"

"You want to talk about our relationship?! He's one of the sweetest boys I've ever met and I've been a great friend to him since you're the rudest demigod in history! You're even ruder than the Ares kids!"

"Maybe if you'd stop judging everyone before you get to know them, you'd know that some of those Ares kids are really nice!" I shout. "And you talk about me being rude?! All you do is accuse me of things! I'll admit I have been rude sometimes but you have too! I mean, you say, how can I walk away from Leo? I'm not walking away from Leo! I'm walking away from you!" I scream at her. "Maybe if you'd let Leo solve his own problems, this wouldn't happen! But you think you can come over here and I'll bow down to you! You aren't as special and powerful as you think!"

"I'm just protecting him!"

"Oh, come on! You're just protecting him?!" Everyone was watching. It seemed like nobody really knew what to do. I think that Hazel and I were the ones everyone least expected to fight, but here we are, fighting each other. "It really looks like you're doing everything but protecting him!"

"Don't act like I'm the problem! What about you, huh?! I'd love to know when you plan on getting married to the Stolls twins!"

"What?! Don't you dare bring them into this, we're only friends!"

"It sure seemed like you were a lot more than friends last night!"

"We were only joking! You know, sometimes, I'd like to happy! But I guess I'll have to be depressed every second of my life for you to be happy!"

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