Chapter 25

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I wake up still in Leo's tight hug. I smile and try to wiggle out of his arms. "Good morning, Sunny." He yawns.

"Did I wake you?"

"No, I've been up for a little while. I had to scratch my nose and I thought I had woke up, but you were just turning over." He laughs. "Your cabin actually woke me up. They told me I was breaking the rules and Will was angry but he said that we need to come to breakfast."

"Did we miss breakfast?"

"Yeah, but you were tired. I wanted to let you sleep."

"Leo, you know you could've went to breakfast without me if you didn't want to wake me up."

"I know, but I wanted to go out with you, so everything worked out."

"What?" I grin, looking at him.

"I want to go out to eat breakfast with you. I have a week, you know? And I plan to make it your best week ever so you will forgive me." He says. "And we can be happy because I love you." He kisses my nose.

"Well if we're going on a date, then you need to get ready." I get up and help him up. I kiss his cheek. "Now go, Valdez. I'm starving." He laughs.

He leaves and I go to the bathroom to get ready. I put on some camo jeans, my 5 Seconds Of Summer tank top, and my gray Vans. Then I leave my hair down and put on a black beanie. I put on all my jewelry and then I walk out. I see Leo walk out of his cabin and I start to walk over to him.

I glance over and see Nico talking with Hazel at the Hades cabin. She starts to stare at Leo. No, this isn't happening today. Leo didn't notice her, and I was glad. He started to walk over to me.

"Hi, my lady." He bows. "You look beautiful."

"Really? I have on camo jeans."

"That's beautiful." He says, giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Now, I'm starving. Shall we go?"

"Yes, we shall." I giggle as he holds my hand and we walk out of camp. I look back for a second and see Hazel staring at me. She quickly looks away. I felt kind of bad for some reason. I turn back around. "So, where are we eating?"

He laughs. "Actually, I thought that we'd go see your Gram and Gramps."

"Really?" I smile.

"Yeah, I mean, we'll see them. And then we can go somewhere and do something before coming back just in time for the Sing-Along tonight."

"Okay." I smile. We walk to my grandparents apartment and I started feeling guilty about yesterday.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asks as we get in the elevator.

"Yeah, it's just... I came yesterday with a few of our friends and I kind of yelled at them all. I feel really bad."

"Come on, it'll be okay. They understand that you're going through a lot. They aren't mad. Plus, I'm with you this whole time. If you start to get upset or angry, just squeeze my hand, okay? And then you can let it out when we leave."

I nod and soon, we knock on their door. Gramps answered it and as soon as he saw it was me, he swung his arms around me in a hug, separating me and Leo. I hug him back. "I'm so sorry, Gramps."

"We're sorry too, honey." He kisses my forehead. He calls for Gram and she comes out, doing the same thing. "We really are sorry, Sunny. We didn't want to make you upset."

After a few minutes of all three of us apologizing and Leo standing there awkwardly, Gramps and Gram finally realized that he was there. "Leo, honey, it's so nice to see you again." They both hug him before welcoming us both in.

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