Chapter 36

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I wake up still in Leo's arms. I lift my head and look up at him. I see him smirk but his eyes are closed. Is he awake? "Leo?" I ask. He opens his eyes. "How long have you been up?"

"An hour."

"What? Why didn't you wake me up?" I ask, jumping out of his lap and pulling on his hand to get him up.

"Well, one reason is that it's only 8am." He slides out of his chair and onto the ground, making me have to bend down to keep holding his hand. "The second reason is that you're so cute when you sleep and since you're leaving, I need to remember that."

"So you just stared at me sleeping for an hour? You creep." I giggle.

"It's your fault for being so adorable." He defends himself while I try to pull him up. I manage to get him halfway up but then he starts trying to pull me down. "Why are you in such a hurry to get up?"

"I want to eat breakfast with my amazing boyfriend and still have time to pack and say goodbye."

He groans. "Fine." He lets me pull him up and then he hugs me. "I love you."

"I love you too. Now let's go, FireBoy. Do you want to eat here or out of Camp?"

"Let's go to a cafe, they have great coffee and bagels." He smiles. "You want a piggyback ride?"

I nod happily and jump on his back. He starts running out of the woods and drops me off at my cabin to get ready. I put on a gray T-Shirt that says 'Adorkable' and has a pair of glasses on it, red jeans, some Vans, and I put a black beanie over my braided hair. As I wait for Leo to get ready, I go ahead and pack my stuff. I felt kind of sad packing up everything. Leo came in just as I finished packing up the last of my jewelry. "I'm done packing so now we have the rest of the time to just have fun."

"Great! And you look beautiful, by the way." Leo kisses my cheek and holds my hand as we start to walk to a cafe.

"Thank you. You look very handsome." I smile, bumping into his shoulder lightly. He was wearing jeans and an old white T-shirt but he looked absolutely perfect in it.

"You've got to be kidding me."

"No, actually, I don't." I smirk. "You look amazing in everything Leo. You're cute every second of the day."

"You're literally too sweet." He swings our hands back and forth. Finally, we reach a cafe and we walk in. We both order some coffee and three blueberry bagels. We were just goofing off as we waited for our food and drinks. "Hey, Sunny?"

"Yeah?" I reply, beginning to eat my bagel. It was delicious. He stays silent for a second, pushing around the bagel on his plate. "What's wrong?" I hold his hand from across the table.

"When you're back in Texas, are you going to find a new boyfriend? I trust you but there's so many guys that are so much better than me. What if one day, you realize that you deserve better? What if you forget about me?"

I squeeze his hand. "Leo, I will never think that. You're perfect to me and I love you for who you are. Nobody is better than you in my mind. And I won't forget you ever.. we'll be Iris Messaging everyday, remember?" I smile, trying to make him feel better.

He smiles slightly, beginning to eat his bagel. "Thanks Sunny." We split the third bagel in half and finish eating it in a relaxing silence. We pay and then start walking back to Camp. Leo suddenly stops and smiles turning to a little shop. "I'll be right back." He says, running inside. I look up at the sign. It was a gardening shop. I knew what he was doing and I smile at how cute my boyfriend is. He runs back out with is hands behind is back.

"Leo, I know what-"

He gets down on one knee and holds out the flowers. They were beautiful roses. "Sunny Shay, you have been an amazing girlfriend even when I've been a terrible boyfriend sometimes. Thank you. And we haven't been together all too long but I hope we can be together forever. And when you go back to Texas, take these flowers with you so you can remember how happy you've made me. I love you."

Falling For FireBoy(A Heroes Of Olympus, Leo Valdez Fan-Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now