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Your P.O.V

I stepped through the doors of Creker Entertainment for my second audition of the day. I was still nervous even though I had auditioned for JYP only a couple hours ago. They liked me but I wasn't what they were looking for.

The wait for this audition was far shorter than the wait for JYP. I was in after a few minutes and the people there gasped before I even told them my name.

"You would be a perfect visual for this group" One man said, he was quite tall, he had black hair and had a fresh coffee in his hand. The small girl beside him nodded in agreement.

"Thank you" I said shyly, the four people in front of me smiled in response.

"My name is Y/N, I am 19 years old, born on December 28th 2000" I said quietly, but loud enough for them to hear.

"Thank you Y/N, please begin your audition" The other man asked of me and I fixed my posture.

I sang Irreplaceable by Beyoncé as my audition song for every audition I have been to. I do not care what company I sign to, all I want is to be able to make music in a group with people I love surrounding me. I have already been to over 20 auditions before today, and no one has accepted me. I will keep trying till I get to fulfil my dream.

Once I had finished singing I received a small round of applause which I had never gotten before. I smiled gratefully and stood silently as they had a small and very quiet discussion. I was about to leave but the other woman sitting there stopped me.

"We want you in our team!" She said and I stood wide eyed.

"S-sorry? You what?" I uttered in disbelief.

"We would like to place you in our group called Aurora who will be debuting shortly, you will match them perfectly and be a wonderful visual" The first man said to me and I nodded.

I see, they want me for my visuals.

"We would like you to meet them and move into the dorm tomorrow, please be in the lobby by 7am" The woman said and I nodded, why is this all so sudden?

"I will! Thank you so much" I said and they nodded. I left and smiled brightly at my phone. I messaged the people I met at JYP that I got accepted into Creker Ent and I also told my friends and my parents. They all congratulated me and my friends came over to celebrate with me.

That night, everyone helped me pack to leave to the dorm tomorrow. We all ordered pizza and watched a movie together. We then got curious of what other groups have debuted under Creker Entertainment. The only two groups are Melody Day and The Boyz.

"Melody Day are all so much prettier than me, why did they choose me?" I said and I immediately felt a slap on my back.

"Are you stupid?!" My friend Soojin said to me, "You're gorgeous! you will be just fine and you deserve that place more than anyone" She said and I smiled thankfully.

"So who are The Boyz?" My other friend Miyeon asked and I then looked them up.

12 guys appeared on our screen, we all gasped as they are all very attractive. We continued to watch music videos, then we watched content and everyone picked a bias.

Soojin picked Jacob, Miyeon picked Hyunjae, Didi picked Eric and Eunwoo picked Younghoon.

"So who is your bias Y/N? You've got to tell us you're going to see them all eventually!" Didi shouted and I sighed.

"I don't know!" I said and looked at them all again. "Maybe Hwall? But because I will probably see them through the company it will change" I said and they nodded.

"You're so lucky, let's go to sleep because they want you there early" Eunwoo mentioned and we all agreed. Soon enough I fell asleep because today was tiring, and tomorrow will be too.


hi guys! your author here :)

if anyone wants me to do other stories of other people please feel free to message me but don't expect it done until this book is!

i might not have good ideas for who you ask for so i might not be able to do it unless you give me a direction

thank you for reading this chapter! please vote if you enjoyed it and i hope i don't keep you waiting for a long time for chapters, i have a lot of school work :)

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