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the next morning

Y/N's P.O.V

I woke up later this morning, because Kevin and I got back to our dorms really late last night. I got up and made myself some breakfast, and as I was walking into the tv room the girls all stared at me.

"What?" I said as I sat down to eat my cereal.

"You and Kevin, out last night, alone?" Dayeol said and my eyes widened.

"What about it?" I said calmly, "I told him I was going out alone and he insisted on coming along"

"You both had a lot of fun though, have you not seen Kevin's tweet?" Haeun said and I shook my head, grabbing my phone and looking at our selca, along with our pictures with our cakes and my picture of the lake. I blushed and they all teased me, and eventually I told them what happened at the river late last night.

Today was my last day off of schedule, so I decided to visit my friends because I haven't seen them in weeks. I got myself ready, told the girls where I was going, and left to catch a train to their city. After a long journey it was a short walk to their place. Since I planned to surprise them, I knocked on the door and they all answered it. They looked so surprised and happy to see me. They dragged me inside and pulled me in for a group hug.

We caught up on all of each other's lives, since we have been so busy. They were so proud of me in my debut, and were crying together. They have been passing their exams, being promoted and getting new jobs too. They have also become huge fans of Aurora and The Boyz, and have kept up with all of our tweets. They thought me and Kevin were dating! I set them straight, telling them I liked him but we aren't together. They were sort of disappointed because they really liked the thought of us together, and they thought we would suit each other well. 

After a few hours, I decided to go back to the dorms. I needed to practice, and as well as that I wanted to write more lyrics for a second song. It took longer to get back home, but once I did Minseo had cooked food for all of us and I had made it back just in time to join them. 

After we had eaten, I said I would go to the practice rooms and they insisted I didn't go alone. I said I wouldn't put myself in danger but they still wanted someone with me. However, they all had things they needed to do. I ran off to the practice rooms alone and they shouted for me to come back, but I ignored them and found myself an empty practice room.

I sat with my guitar and a notepad, writing down any lines which came to mind and began to string together a song. Eventually the door opened to the practice room.

Minseo's P.O.V

We watched her run off alone and sighed to each other. We started to worry about her but before we could say anything, we noticed the door to The Boyz' dorm open slowly. We watched as Kevin walked out and came over to us.

"We all heard shouting" He said, "What was it about?" He asked us and we sighed.

"She's gone to the practice rooms alone, after what happened last time we tried to convince her to stay or let us go with her but she ran off alone" Jiyoo explained to him.

"Now we're all worried about her safety, we have things we are scheduled to do so we can't check on her" Haeun added.

"I'll go" He said

"You don't have to-" I was cut of by him.

"I'll go. I have no more schedule unlike you. But I also don't want her hurt either, I will update you if anything bad happens. But nothing should happen under my watch" He explained and we nodded.

"Thank you so much" Dayeon said with a small, grateful smile.

"No problem, as long as she is okay that's all that matters" He said and we all smiled, the words coming out of his mouth were so sweet.

He turned to run to the practice rooms and accompany Y/N. We all awed over how cute and protective he was over her. They will make a great couple.


hi guys!

thank you so much for 200+ views! i'm surprised people are actually reading this

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i'm also sorry for not updating as much as i wish i could, but i am very busy so i try to make time to write for you guys too :)

i'm finding it interesting to look at where all my readers are from, and they span all across the world! i hope that there are more and more of you in future :)

thanks for reading so far! i hope to update more regularly soon

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