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Y/N's P.O.V

I sat patiently waiting for Kevin, Jacob, Eric and Aurora to come into my hospital room. As I saw the door open, all of Aurora entered, followed by Eric. I pulled a confused face as Kevin and Jacob weren't there.

"Jacob is waking up Kevin, he fell asleep in the waiting room" Eric said and I laughed and nodded.

"Thank you" I responded.

The girls asked me how this happened, and I couldn't remember. All I know is that I hit my head because of the injury to the back of my head.

A few minutes later, Kevin and Jacob entered the room. We were all talking for a while until a nurse entered, telling me I could be discharged. I jumped up and got myself ready to leave. Just then I caught eye of the time, It was 3am.

"You guys all need rest! It's really late and we all have tight schedules" I said and they shook their heads.

"I spoke to our manager, we have been given a few days off schedule for you to rest and for us to be around so we can make sure you are okay" Dayeon said and they nodded. I thanked her for doing that and suggested all of us go back to the dorm.

"How about Eric, Jacob and Kevin join us? They'll probably disturb the other members if they enter the dorm this late" Minseo said and the rest of them agreed. Before I got to answer, it was settled. They would be staying with us for the night.

We walked home through the empty streets, lit nicely by street lights. It was cold tonight, the wind was strong and cold too. My outfit was just jeans and a thin tank top, I don't know why I chose such a thin shirt. I crossed my arms to help try and warm myself up. I walked behind everyone who was talking and laughing wildly.

I smiled seeing everyone enjoying themselves, I took pictures on my phone of them smiling and laughing under the street lights. The pictures looked really nice so I decided to tweet them. I captioned it...

[Y/N] It's cold tonight! Keep yourself wrapped up, everyone is having fun :) #ihopewegetwintersnow #doyouwannabuildasnowman

I put the four pictures on the tweet and posted it. I looked around and saw a nice lake and I stopped to take pictures of it. I got lost looking at it, and I lost track of time. I turned around and I only saw one person standing there. Kevin.

"Where is everyone?" I asked him.

"Everyone kept walking, I wasn't about to leave you here alone" He answered, with a smile on his face. I smiled too, I looked to the ground and suddenly the wind picked up again. It blew my hair around and made me shiver. I laughed and went to keep walking when Kevin took my wrist.

"Here, as cliché as it is, take my jacket. I'm wearing a sweater and you have nothing covering you" He said and I smiled even wider, thanked him and put on his jacket. I zipped it up and then we started to walk.

As we were walking away from the lake, I noticed I could smell Kevin's cologne on the jacket. I smiled to myself, I loved it, and walking with him was especially nice too.

"I saw your tweet by the way" He added, he spoke in English this time and it took me by surprise. Except that one time with Jacob and Eric, I don't think he hasn't spoken to me in English since.

"Oh really?" I responded, and he laughed a little.

"Of course, I have Aurora's twitter notifications on, so do the rest of The Boyz" He said and I laughed.

"Wow... I have the Boyz' notifications on too, but I don't know about the rest of us girls" I said and he nodded.

"We should probably catch up to the rest of them" I added and he agreed.

"Let's go" He said running and I tried to keep up with him.

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