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Kevin's P.O.V

Eric, Jacob and I left Aurora's dorm and headed to the practice rooms. We were talking as we made our way down there and we heard music coming from one of the rooms. I walked over and opened the door, expecting to see Y/N dancing or sat writing songs as Minseo mentioned earlier.

Instead we found her unconscious on the floor. I ran over to her and Eric and Jacob followed me instantly. Jacob called for an ambulance whilst Eric turned the music off and I tried to check she was okay. There was some blood on the back of her head which I got on my hand. Sooner than we thought paramedics came and said that it was best to take her to the hospital.

We all got into the ambulance with her and I called Minseo as soon as they were driving to tell her the news. She was worried and shocked and said she'd make her way there with the rest of Aurora.

Once the ambulance arrived at the hospital, we followed the paramedics wheeling Y/N along up until we were told to stop. I sat waiting anxiously for news on her condition. Jacob went outside to call the rest of The Boyz and tell them the news about Y/N.

"Kevin" Eric quietly said to me and I looked over to him.

"Yes Eric?" I asked him and he looked down at my hands and legs. My hands were shaking and I couldn't stop my legs from moving.

"You're really worried about her, aren't you?" He asked and I nodded slowly after some time had passed.

"Why would you ask that? Aren't you worried too?" I asked in return.

"Of course I am, you're just so worried out of your mind. It seems like you like her" He said and my eyes went wide.

"I don't like her like that Eric" I said plainly and he nodded.

"I was just curious, I'm sorry Kevin" He said quietly and I nodded, Jacob entered and at the same time a nurse came to tell us she needed time to wake up and we could visit her soon.

A wave of relief fell over me as we were given such good news. I smiled at the nurse and thanked her, then returned to my seat. I took out my phone and Minseo had messaged me that they all are walking into the hospital. I passed the message onto Eric and Jacob and they nodded. Instead of being consumed by the constant business of the hospital, I decided to move into the corner of the waiting room and put music on to drown out people's footsteps and muttering. Soon enough I fell asleep despite my worry about Y/N's condition.

Jacob's P.O.V

Both Eric and I watched curiously as Kevin made his way to the corner of the waiting room. As he sat down and put his earphones in, me and Eric exchanged confused glances at each other. We continued to talk and keep an eye on him, and eventually we noticed he fell asleep. The only way we could tell was because his hands weren't shaking and his leg was still. As long as he is calm, being asleep is probably best for him right now.

Aurora made their way in and sat beside us, asking us many questions which we couldn't even answer. Eric got them to quieten down and calmed down Jiyoo as she seemed the most worried out of them all.

"All we know is that she is okay, they will let us visit her as soon as she is awake and ready" I said calmly and there was a mixture of nods and sighs.

"As long as she is okay, that is what matters" Dayeon said quietly and everyone agreed with her.

"Where's Kevin? I thought he was with you guys" Minseo asked us and I laughed before pointing to the corner, Kevin was fast asleep with his music blocking out the rest of the world.

"He was really worried about her condition, so I think he needed space" Eric said, before anyone else could speak a nurse introduced herself.

"Sorry to disturb your conversation, my name is Hyunjin. Y/N is awake and allowed visitors. Just keep yourselves calm as she has a headache from her injury" She explained and we nodded.

"I'll go wake up Kevin, you all go and visit her" I said and they nodded, before following the nurse to her room.

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