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Y/N's P.O.V

We never caught up to the rest of them, instead, we had to let ourselves into Aurora's dorm and find them laughing and teasing us. Asking where we had gone.

"I was taking pictures of the lake! Only one of you was kind enough to wait" I said back to them, they all were surprised and apologised for assuming.

"We saw the tweet you posted! You take beautiful pictures" Haeun added and everyone agreed.

"You captioned it just how Kevin captions his" Jacob added, Eric jumped up and agreed as he hadn't noticed this before.

"I still have a headache" I said to everyone and they apologised for being loud. "Can we just sit and watch a movie quietly? I'm not tired but I need to rest" I asked and everyone nodded.

"You sit down, we will prepare a movie, drinks and food" Minseo said and I smiled gratefully. Everyone darted off and I heard Minseo shouting orders around the kitchen, which made me laugh.

I took out my phone and recorded the sound coming from the kitchen. "Eric take the popcorn out! It's going to burn!", followed by "Naeun did you have to spill water everywhere?!" "UGH". I laughed and Jacob rushed out of the kitchen, running down the hall only to fall over with a bowl of popcorn, somehow none of it spilled on the floor and I had recorded the incident. He looked up at me and we both started laughing hysterically, soon enough Kevin and Eric looked out and saw me recording Jacob lying on the floor and went back to following Minseo's orders.

Within 20 minutes, a table of drinks and snacks and a good movie were ready for everyone to enjoy. Whilst they were doing that, I got pillows and blankets out for everyone to make themselves comfy with. All the girls got back first, and Jacob sat down with the bowl of popcorn he almost spilled before the girls returned. Eric and Kevin were still in the kitchen, but not long later they took the last two seats which were on the same couch as I was sitting on.

Minseo joined Jacob and Jiyoo on one couch, Dayeon and Haeun had their own couch and I was on the end of the final one, with Kevin to my side and Eric beside him.

Jiyoo started the movie once everyone was comfortable and had some food. We watched quietly and soon enough I started to feel very tired. My headache was starting to disappear and soon enough everyone was muttering to themselves. But I stayed silent, watching the movie until I fell asleep.

Kevin's P.O.V

I spoke with Eric whilst the movie was playing. I quickly glanced over to Y/N a couple of times whilst he was talking to me. She had her full attention on the movie, and I found it quite adorable how focused she was.

"Kevin? Are you even listening anymore?" I heard Eric whisper, maybe I wasn't taking a quick glance this time.

"Sorry" I said quietly and he laughed.

"If you didn't like her when I asked you before, you must do now" He said and I laughed.

"I don't think I meant to, but I lied when you asked me before. I didn't think I did, but then something in my mind changed" I explained and he nodded.

"Jacob explained your nightmare to me, even that you said you loved her" He said and my eyes went wide in shock.

"He needs to learn to keep his mouth shut sometimes" I laughed and so did Eric. I looked over to her again, and now she was fast asleep, her head at a bad angle. I wanted to move her so she was more comfortable.

I looked around and saw everyone looking and Y/N and then they looked to me, they gave me a feeling that they wanted me to make her more comfortable. I moved her so her head was comfortably resting on a pillow and she shuffled herself to be more comfortable afterwards. After that, I continued my conversation with Eric.

"So what do you see in her?" Eric asked me and I was surprised by his question.

"Well..." I started...


hi guys! i haven't left a message in a while <3

sorry i don't update much, i am doing a lot of chapters tonight to make up for it!

i hope they are good enough :)

feel free to leave me a comment on your thoughts so far, this is my first book so i hope it is going well

if you're enjoying the story also give it a vote :) it'll be very appreciated

the reason i don't update a lot is because i have a lot of work and other commitments outside of writing this story :)

I hope you understand and will continue to read my upcoming chapters

-your author :)

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