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Your P.O.V

After a while all of The Boyz left our dorm because of their schedule. It suddenly became quiet and we sat waiting for our debut to happen. It was 45 minutes till then so I decided to go on vlive and go up to 10 minutes before our music video dropped. Originally I was alone but the rest of the girls joined me and we had more people watching than we thought. We said goodbye then waited to see our mv and music go online.

As soon as they dropped, we posted on our Twitter and our Instagrams. We watched our music video together and we were all very happy. While we all talked about it, my phone buzzed and I saw a Twitter notification.

It was a tweet from The Boyz, Kevin and Jacob. They were both listening to our music and promoted it to their fans. A smile crept onto my face and immediately the girls were asking me what is was.

"Oh it's nothing" I attempted to say confidently, but instead it came out stuttered. They all didn't believe and eventually Haeun stole my phone and saw the post.

"She likes one of them!!" Haeun shouted and before I could speak they were all guessing it was Jacob because of Mario Kart.

"So Jacob huh?" Dayeon said smirking and I shook my head.

"Not... Jacob..." I said very quietly and they all gasped.

"KEVIN?!" They all shouted simultaneously. I felt my cheeks burn up just because of his name.

Why was I doubting my feelings so much?

Suddenly they all teased me and I only got redder and redder. I got my phone back and retweeted their post and replied with a thank you. I didn't expect a reply.

"You did amazingly! See you soon - Kevin"

I smiled brightly again and everyone saw his reply. They promised they'd keep it secret and that they wouldn't tease me much.

As soon as we had finished celebrating our debut, I decided to go to an empty room to go and dance in. I had a lot of energy I needed to get rid of.

I put on my playlist and practiced many different dances which I had learned, and after that I put on old music and decided to dance to that. I was going around the room, not caring how I looked, I closed my eyes and let the music take me. However, I am not used to this practice room, I forgot that there are beams on the walls which stick out quite a lot. I spun straight into one of them and hit the back of my head.

All I saw was black.

Minseo's P.O.V

It had been 4 hours since Y/N had left to go and dance. Suddenly I heard a knock at the door. I opened it and saw Jacob, Eric and Kevin.

"Hi guys, what are you doing here?" I asked and leant against the door.

"We were wondering where Y/N was, we wanted to see if she'd like to go out for food with us" Eric said and they both nodded.

"Why not all of us?" I pretended to be upset and they laughed.

"Sorry Minseo, English speakers only" Jacob said and we all laughed at him.

"She went to go and dance in a practice room about 4 hours ago, but she's probably gotten distracted songwriting by now. Give me updates when you find her" I said stealing Jacob's phone and putting my number into it, Eric and Kevin then gave me their phones to put it in too.

"We will, see you around Minseo" Kevin said and I waved goodbye as they made their way to the practice rooms. I hope Y/N is okay.

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