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Y/N's P.O.V

After a while, I was wondering where Kevin went because he'd been gone longer than usual. The restroom wasn't too far away, so I decided to get up and look for him. I walked to the door with my phone in my hand and just as I put my hand on the door handle, the door opened and Kevin was behind it.

"I was about to try and find you" I said shyly, he nodded and smiled.

"Can we talk?" He asked and I nodded back, he came into the room and took my hand, leading me to sit where we were before he left.

"I'm sorry if I shocked you by what I said, to be honest I shocked myself. But the truth is I meant it Y/N. That came from my heart and I hope you aren't scared by how sudden this is. I love you, Y/N, and I hope either now or one day you feel the same" He said, I was just as shocked by that as I was before, and I smiled more than ever.

"I love you too Kevin" I said quietly, but loud enough for him to hear. He looked so surprised, there was a happy glimmer in his eyes and a smile on his face. I started to blush so I looked down at my lap, but soon enough Kevin lifted my head by my chin so I would look at him again. That same look was still on his face, It looked like complete happiness, which made me smile more than I thought was possible. Before I could look at him for another second, he quickly leaned forwards and kissed me, something I was definitely not expecting from him in this moment. I immediately returned his kiss. It was soft, caring and full of love, it felt like it could last forever, but eventually we pulled away and just looked each other in the eyes.

"I think I'm the happiest I've ever been" He said and I giggled, "What time is it?" He said whilst looking at his phone, he nodded then stood up, holding his hand in front of me.

"Come on, we have some time before it gets dark, lets go out tonight" He said and I stood up and took his hand. We walked out of the room smiling and he led me out of the building.

Q's P.O.V

I was walking to find an empty practice room, since I hadn't danced alone in a while, when I heard people running inside of one on the rooms. I stopped and waited to see who it was and it was Y/N and Kevin, running off together, holding hands and laughing.

Jacob walked up behind me and sighed, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"I know it's tough, but she's just not the one for you" Jacob said with a sad tone, obviously feeling sorry for me.

"They look good together, they deserve each other" I said, "I'll just have to suck it up and move on" I sighed and turned around. Jacob hugged me lightly and I smiled.

Y/N's P.O.V

Kevin and I got back at just after 2am. I was shattered and needed a lot of sleep. I let myself in and was immediately bombarded with the girls all shouting asking where I was.

"Kevin took me out" I said quietly and they all squealed, asking me for details which I eventually gave them.

"We've been called for a meeting tomorrow, so you better rest up" Minseo said and I nodded. I said goodnight to them all and went to my room, and fell asleep almost instantly.

Aurora's Manager's P.O.V

"So what exactly did you see?" I asked the manager of The Boyz, he sighed, crossing his arms and looking angrier than ever.

"I saw Kevin and Y/N run out of the building together" He stated. I was purely confused on why he was so mad.

"What's the issue?"

"They were holding hands, laughing. From their twitter posts many fans have been thinking they are dating, so people are giving the groups more negativity which is not good for us" He said coldly, I nodded in response.

"Well, they should be free to live their own lives, they're human after a-" I was cut off by him almost immediately.

"We are going to place dating bans on both groups. That should keep them in check. There are no negotiations about this. Arrange a meeting with Aurora tomorrow morning, I will meet with The Boyz then too. It is for the sake of our company. They are privileged to have been accepted so they must obey to our rules and want us to be successful" He said, anger coming off every word I said.

I really did not want to do this, but this man is capable of many things, I cannot disagree. I nodded and we walked off our separate ways.


hi guys!

so i checked back and apparently this story got to #1 on #theboyz?! and we're almost at 1000 reads?! that's absolutely insane! i can't believe this at all. thank you all so much!

again i hope you're enjoying it and please feel free to comment if you're liking the story :)

again, thank you

your author <3

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