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Y/N's P.O.V

I was woken up by Haeun early the next morning. I reluctantly got out of bed and got myself ready for the sudden meeting. Soon enough I was ready to go, Minseo gave us breakfast which we all ate quickly, then all walked together to the meeting rooms.

On our way, we saw The Boyz also making their way to the meeting rooms. I wasn't phased but the girls told me that they rarely hold meetings with two groups at the same time. We continued and saw signs with our group names on doors. Kevin smiled to me before we went in, I smiled back and looked down before anyone would notice how happy that made me and how pink my cheeks would be. I sat down and we all waited for our manager to come in.

He made his way in and sighed as he sat down.

"I am sorry this is so sudden but unfortunately there wasn't much of a choice" He said and we nodded, getting worried for what this may be about.

"It has been decided by a higher member of staff that we are to place a dating ban on your group. As for any reason I am unsure, but I did not wish to do this to you" He continued, avoiding eye contact with all of us, I sat their shocked, why all of a sudden? I looked to the other girls and they had apologetic smiles on their faces. I sighed and then noticed Minseo was getting angry.

"Just tell us the reason because there's always a twisted reason behind anything people do in this company" She snapped, everyone grew worried but he sighed and gave in.

"The Boyz' manager spotted Y/N and Kevin together, quite frankly he will do anything to protect his income so I was forced by him to do this girls" He said sadly and we nodded.

"I'm so sorry Y/N. Their manager is very strict, he is probably going to forbid Kevin from seeing you, I will do whatever I can to fix this" He said with a reassuring smile, I nodded and we all left.

Immediately as I left and he was out of sight, I couldn't help but cry. Everything was going so well, why did it all have to be ruined all of a sudden?

The Boyz then came out and I quickly dried my tears, the girls asked what their meeting about and it was the same thing. Kevin came out a couple minutes later with Hyunjae, and didn't bother to look at me. He walked off towards the dorms and didn't talk to anyone. I sighed and watched as Hyunjae came towards me and hugged me.

"He just argued with our manager, and it didn't go down well" He said and I nodded. "It'll be okay Y/N, trust us, we all have this under control" He reassured me, but I had lost hope. "Especially Kevin" He added, I smiled weakly, he hugged me before running to catch up the rest of The Boyz.

As soon as I was back in my dorm, I locked myself in my room and busied myself with tidying it. I put on loud music, which apparently The Boyz could hear from their dorm since Minseo told me to turn it down for them, and made sure I wasn't thinking about what had just happened. Whilst I was focused on my cleaning, them music suddenly stopped and I saw Haeun next to my speakers.

"Why did you stop my music?" I asked her and she smiled but sadly.

"I was getting a headache, and also I have something to give to you" She said, handing me a piece of paper that was slightly creased. "I'll leave you to read it and do what you want with it" She said, closed my door and walked down the corridor.

I sat down on my bed and opened the piece of paper.


I'm so sorry for just ignoring you, I really wish I didn't have to do that. Now both our groups have dating bans, I was so annoyed knowing that he had put this on both of our groups I argued with him. He was forceful and it ended up with him saying me and are are not allowed to talk to each other. I am so sorry, I really wish I hadn't done that but I thought it was for the best that I tried. 

I'm going to be by the lake, if you don't want to come it's okay, just text me. But I've made sure I am not recognisable so if you want to come please do the same.

I love you



Hi guys!

changmin is sick too :( our boyz don't need this around christmas but at least they did tweet to let us know they're seeing our messages and are okay <3

lets hope they have a speedy recovery :)

i don't know when i'll post again, so if you're celebrating christmas i hope you have a really good one!

your author <3

aurora | kevin moon x readerWhere stories live. Discover now