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the next day

Your P.O.V

I was woken up at 6am by my friends, they wanted to make sure I would get there on time and have everything I needed. They made me breakfast and packed my things into my car. We all said goodbye and they wished me luck before I drove back to Creker.

It wasn't long until I got there. I parked and took a couple bags in with me to put in the dorm. The women from yesterday greeted me and thanked me for being on time. They then toured me around the building and then took me to the dorms.

The door we stood in front of had the name 'Aurora' on it. I looked at the door puzzled before they handed me a key.

"Aurora is the name of your group, you will be debuting in a few weeks from now. Meet your other members and attend your training sessions. You will not always be with your group. Here is a timetable for your training sessions up to debut" She handed me a sheet which showed me how busy I will be for the next few weeks.

"You will be fine, you have a powerful voice, we will need you to record one of these days and we will tell you which day. Feel free to use practice rooms whenever they are empty, timetables for the rooms are on the doors" The other woman said. I thanked them and they left me to go inside and introduce myself.

I unlocked the door and suddenly four other girls ran up to me. They helped me with my bags and closed the door for me.

"You really are pretty!" One of them said and the rest agreed, I smiled and blushed and thanked them.

"We'll introduce ourselves" The same girl said again, "My name is Minseo, I am our leader, lead vocal and lead dancer, I am our oldest born 01/01/97" She said and I smiled. She has bright red hair, she's the tallest and has large, sparkling eyes.

"I am Jiyoo, I am the maknae but if you are younger then not anymore. I am born 30/11/98. I am a vocalist and lead rapper" She said softly, she has blonde hair and is the second tallest.

"I am Haeun, I am our main rapper and I am born 31/12/97" She said quite loudly, she has brown hair with a red streak on the left side, she currently has blue contacts in but she seems very charming.

"Finally my name is Dayeon, I am a lead vocal and the face of the group. I am born on 02/03/98. Please introduce yourself to us" She said cheerfully. She is by far the shortest of us all, she has almost white hair which fades to orange at the bottom.

"Hello I am Y/N, I do not know my position of the group but I am the maknae. I am born 28/12/00" I said shyly and they all gasped and hugged me.

"Ah so young!! we will look after you well" Said Minseo. I smiled and embraced their hugs.

We all got along really well and bonded super quickly, and soon we discovered we will have a dance practice soon. However someone rang on our door.

I opened it and saw the women from earlier.

"You are needed to record your parts for your title track now, since they need to start making the choreography for your track today" One said and I nodded, all of the girls came along with me and we started walking to the recording studio.

As we got to the studio, three guys came out. We all saw each other and I remembered they were Jacob, Q and Eric. They smiled at me, probably recognising I am a new trainee and I smiled back.

"Good luck!" Q said to me and I nodded.

"Thank you" I said and they walked away.

"Do you know who they are?" Dayeon asked me and I nodded.

"They are from The Boyz, I researched the company and the groups under them once I got home" They all nodded and we went into the studio.

"Ah our main vocal! let's start recording!" The man said and I nodded, I'm the main vocal?!

The girls sat outside of the room as I recorded for the song. After an hour I had finished my recording and the song was complete! We listened to the whole song and the girls pointed out their voices to me. They heavily complimented my voice as they didn't expect it to come from me. The song was a masterpiece! Donghyun, the man who recorded my audio, sent the track to our choreographer Hyunsoo.

"Let's run to our dance practice!" Jiyoo said since we were 3 minutes late, we all followed her lead but I lost them since I was late to react.

I then caught eyes with Q and he laughed when he saw me. He ran over and told me which directions to go in and I thanked him. He then went back to some other members I didn't quite see and I ran off to catch up with them.

I made it to the room and they sighed in relief.

"I thought you died!" Minseo said and I laughed at her.

"Minseo don't be stupid she probably just didn't keep up or got lost" Dayeon said and I nodded.

"Okay girls you have an amazing title track but it's missing it's choreography, let's get started, we have 4 hours" Hyunsoo said and we nodded.

"How much dancing experience do you have Y/N?" Hyunsoo asked me and I thought.

"I have danced since I was 5 years old, I have done contemporary, tap, ballet and hip hop" I said and everyone seemed impressed.

"You will probably be a main dancer won't she? Let's see, what can you dance to?" He asked and I suggested Hard Carry by Got7, I would be following Yugyeom's part.

I did the entire dance and he confirmed I would also be a main dancer. I was surprised at this and got quite shy for the rest of the session. I helped create the choreography at times and Hyunsoo was very grateful for that. By the end of the four hours our choreography was complete. All we had to do was practice it. Which we were able to do for 2 hours. Everyone was exhausted and thanked me for helping them learn their parts. Our next group practice would be next week.

We left and outside the practice room were Sunwoo and Hyunjae which surprised me. Jiyoo went and hugged Sunwoo and surprised both of them. Jiyoo introduced me to them and I smiled and so did they.

"Good luck with your training, and best wishes for you debut girls" Hyunjae said to us and we thanked them.

We went back to our dorm and had some food before resting for tomorrow.

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