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Y/N's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning feeling well rested, and my head didn't hurt as much as it used to. I tried to sit up in bed and felt something wrapped around my waist. I turned around and saw Kevin asleep beside me. That something around my waist was his arm. I felt my cheeks redden and I carefully moved his arm so I could get out of bed without disturbing him. I smiled as he still looked so handsome even while asleep.

I then remembered that I fell asleep whilst watching the movie, so he must have carried me here and stayed with me. That thought made my smile even more than I already was, I quietly left the room to find Minseo and Jacob sat in the kitchen with bowls of cereal. They noticed I had come in, they smiled and waved despite having mouths full of cereal.

"How did you two sleep last night?" Jacob eventually said, shocking Minseo and I. I turned red and went to walk out of the kitchen, Minseo immediately got up and grabbed me, and Jacob was just laughing at us both.

"Does he mean?" Minseo shrieked in disbelief, I looked down to the floor with a huge smile on my face, meanwhile the rest of Aurora had entered the kitchen without her noticing. I nodded and she gasped, obviously surprised.

"You and Kevin?!" She shrieked again, the rest of the girls then understood and ran over too.

"I had no idea until I woke up this morning" I said and then Jacob entered the conversation again.

"Kevin carried her to her room last night" He said, "He never came back to sleep with Eric and I"

"That's so sweet" Jiyoo added, the rest of them agreed and started saying how cute we would be together.

A few moments later, we heard footsteps making their way to the kitchen. Everyone suddenly went silent as Eric and Kevin walked into the room. Nothing more was said about last night by anyone.

I got myself some cereal and sat beside Jacob to eat it. Whilst I was eating, he kept whispering in my ear about what happened and just as I finished my cereal I slapped his arm playfully yet hard enough to hurt and ran off before he could say anything.

I sat on the couch looking on Twitter, and saw a couple of The Boyz had posted this morning. Since I don't have schedule for a couple days, I want to go out and explore the area. I then decided to ask the girls what they were doing, and they were all busy going to visit family or old friends because they haven't been able to visit them in a while. At 10am, I was ready to go out. I picked up my camera and a small backpack and headed for the door.

On my way, I bumped straight into Kevin. We both laughed and apologised to each other. He then noticed my coat and backpack, and looked at me confused.

"I'm going out to have an explore, who knows when I'll come back" I said with a smile on my face, he smiled too.

"But if you're out late, you can't be alone. It's dangerous" He said and I sighed.

"I can take care of myself, it's okay" I said and as I started walking to the door he grabbed my wrist.

"You just got out of the hospital yesterday, I am not risking you getting hurt again" He said firmly. He picked up his coat and quickly put it on.

"I'm coming with you"

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