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Y/N's P.O.V

"Why the heck do you want to talk about my family?" I asked, concerned and a little weirded out.

"I know your parents are divorced, I know what reason they gave you and the reason you don't know about" He said and I furrowed my eyebrows. What is he talking about?

"They just peacefully divorced because they felt they weren't fit for each other anymore, that's all" I said rather bluntly.

"Your Dad also had an affair, Y/N" Hyunjae said calmly, I was so confused and shocked I had no idea how to react to it.

"I'm not trying to be mean at all but why should I trust you?" I asked him, he sighed and looked somewhat sad.

"I thought you might react a little better than this, but it's okay" He muttered to himself.

"A few years before you were born, your Dad cheated on your Mom. He felt so guilty but he tried to forget about it so he didn't tell her and hurt her feelings. However, when his affair partner showed up on their doorstep with a toddler in her arms things changed. Your Mom was angry and heartbroken and then they decided it would be best for a divorce" He explained, I felt a tear roll down my cheek yet I was still confused.

"I don't understand why any of this is important" I said, wiping the tear from my cheek.

"I was that toddler Y/N, I'm your half brother. Why else would I have fought so hard for the dating ban to be lifted so you can be happy with Kevin?" He said and my eyes widened. I ran out to the bathroom and called my Mom and she sadly confirmed everything Hyunjae said was true.

"I'm sorry I didn't trust you Hyunjae, but I believe you now" I said and he chuckled.

"It's okay, this could have gone far, far worse" He said and we laughed and shared a hug. Before we went back to the couch we decided we would go out more to get to know each other as brother and sister by going out tomorrow.

We stayed silent until the movie had finished, and as soon as the credits began everything turned to chaos. Everyone was shouting and laughing at the top of their lungs over things that happened whilst watching the movie and popcorn was spilled all over the floor. Haeun left to get cleaning supplies to sort out the popcorn covered floor and I decided to help by removing all of the half eaten snacks and putting them in the kitchen.

Once everyone had calmed down, Hyunjae and I were talking in the kitchen again. We remembered some times where we had actually met before, as our Mothers became good friends for a few years after my parents had separated. We also decided that we'd go bowling together tomorrow afternoon and get some food, and that we'd meet at a practice room after I had finished training.

I left with the rest of Aurora, after saying goodbye to everyone. As soon as we got home I was immediately attacked with questions.

"Why did you and Hyunjae go out of the room together?"

"Does he like you or something?"

"What did you guys talk about?"

"Okay I'll explain but you have to shut your mouths first" I said and they all instantaneously stopped talking.

"Hyunjae told me that he is my half brother" I calmly explained, they all looked shocked and I then explained how this all happened and they were very sad when I told them my parents are divorced.

"It's nice that you have family around you now, when are you going to catch up?" Dayeol asked me.

"We decided we'd go out tomorrow afternoon to catch up" I explained and they nodded in response.

"It's late, we should all rest up because we all have training tomorrow" Minseo suggested and we all agreed with her, we said goodnight and headed to our dorms and went to sleep.


hi guys!

so i am going to be a little bit serious here and hope that if i have any readers from the philippines or indonesia they are safe and well after the earthquake that has happened. make sure you stay safe too :)

thank you guys for getting this story so far! i hope you're still enjoying it as much as i am enjoying writing it :)

your author <3

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